Long time with no time to breathe!
This past week has been so hectic, I havn't had any time to blog about anything. O_O
Last time you heard from me, I had just recovered from a terrible hangover and a awesome week followed by a great night out :D
As most of you already figured, I'm huge huge Tokio Hotel fan. ^^ And this week has been one hell of a week for us fans :o
The boys had announced the title of their album, new single and release date of those ^^

My week:
The fans got to have a preview of the first single, "Automatisch" - Which is called "Automatic" in the English version. - Turned out it were just the hosts of a German tv-show singing a bit. Nothing special, really xD
The special part was, when we discovered the entire song they leaked!
It's called "Love and Death" and I LOVE it! It's so fucking amazing, I love the effects in it, the melody and the lyrics ^^ Of course it started debates as the 100.000 different opinions started to get posted.
It's the first preview of their new style and I have to say with just that song, I knew I am gonna love that album! (I have learned to like the title as well now :P)
We got a real preview of their new single and wow! It's so amazing! It was about a minute, just the chorus but it was in both German and English.
Just so exciting ^^ I listened to those previews I don't know how many times O_O My neighbours must have hated me xD
Also, Bravo posted an article of the band's Video shoot in South Africa. I'll post it later I think ^^
It talked about how they were doing downthere and stuff. Then my friend JeanetteJewel showed me picures of their hotel and we had a lot of fun with that :D Gorgeous hotel!
Previews of more songs got leaks. Songs like "Human connect to human" "Pain of love" and "Dark side of the sun" - Completely illegal and so not supposed to happen. But of course you can't blame the fans for wanting to hear, so we did. Again, the more I hear, the more I luff!!
Cherrytree Records announced that in 24 hours, they'd play the German and English version of the new single once every hour. As soon as it had been played once, it was out all over the internet.
I didn't get to listen to it when everyone else did, but when I did, I fell in love <3 that song is so one of my faves with TH :D
Huge song leak! 3 ful length songs from the new album were leaked! The boys were furious but there was no stopping fans from downloading them and go all crazy. I know it's bad, but I listened too.
And once again I have to say: I am now sure "Humanoid" will be the best album they've made and I am now looking even more forward to it!! *freaks out*
I'm listening to "Automatisch", "Automatic" and "Love&Death" all the time, they're on my ‘most played songs'-list in iTunes ^^ <3
Thank you boys! I know you didn't mean for those songs to get out, but they really just made me love you even more :D
I love their new styles and it's so great to see them with eyes full of energy in interviews :D They seem a lot better and ready to take over the world with "Humanoid"
I can't wait!! <33
I'm out for now :D
Canni xx
Updates ^^
I have a lot to tell, since I haven't blogged at all in the week I spend in Copenhagen. I had the best time I've had in a long long time and we had a lot of fun ^^
She came to pick me up and as soon as we saw each other we started talking and it practically didn't stop until I had to go home xD
We watched the newest Tokio Hotel DVD, Caught on Camera and I just loved it. That was my first time watching it, which is kind of bad since it's been out a long time.
It was so great I had to get is myself. The next day we went shopping in Copenhagen and we found it in this huge store with tons of music and DVDs. It was the last one so of course I bought it. I also bought 3 T-shirts. ^^ (I'll show you later)
Monday we went to some hairdressers to find out some prizes. Marie wanted her hair done and we found one and booked an appointment. ^^
I had been talking about dying my hair blond or at least getting blond stripes. So we went to this hairdresser and I had that done. It was a huge bit more expensive than I expected, but I love it so I don't care :D everybody but my mum loves it and says it's so much prettier than before :P
The rest of the time we spend relaxing at home with the great entertaiment of the Danish Jazzband - Jazz Nødderne xD They're genius! And so hilarious.
I got home at about 6 pm and by then I was exhausted. The train ride home hadn't been as long as I feared it would feel. I was very productive, I got something written and it turned out really good :D
Just to make this post even longer, I'm gonna tell you about Friday night. My sister, our cousin, our friend and me went out. We sat in my friend's house and listened to music having a few drinks. We always to that, because she's so great at doing hair and makeup ^^
When we looked our best, we went to the local bar, where there was this Norwegian guy, who came on to me O_O Have no idea why. So creepy. He was really drunk and old! He wouldn't leave me alone. I kept telling him I was a girlfriend (as I usually do, when I wanna get rid of someone) but he didn't listen.
In the end a guy called Jesper came to my rescue and pretendend to be with me. We had to make out TWICE before he understood O_O
The Norwegian got kicked out and Jesper ordered me a drink. I somehow ended up at his table with his friends. Honestly I was insanely drunk xD
I had three tequila shots and normally I don't even drink tequila xD I also had somersby, beer, morgan&coke and piῆa colada O_O
So you can imagine how I felt yesterday x_x
But I wanns say, I had a great time and it was so much fun :D
Btw: this is my new fave song: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IENHvHlS7AU
- along with "When it was good" by Flipsyde :D
Canni xx
Copenhagen, here I come ^^
Goodmorning everyone :D
I'm so exhausted right now; it's 8.16 and I haven't slept too well.. but I don't care :P I'm so excited, because I'm going to Copehagen today to see one of my best friends :D <3
She came to visit me in May and I hav really missed her since she went home. It was so weird, I didn't even know I was going, when I got up yesterday :P I had some stuff to do before I could say anything about going. After some problems, they solved themselves and I don't have anything to do about that anymore. I might as well spend time with someone I enjoy talking to ^^
I can't wait to see her :D
Before leaving, I need to cancel my "school" this week. And I have an appointment to reschedule. I'm gonna tell them it's an emergency or something. :P
My dad is coming to pick me up in 40 minutes and still need to pack the last things, perfect my outfit, get make-up on, lenses on and perhaps have some breakfast xD
I just wanted to let you know. I'm gonna be over there for a week or something and I'll blog if I get the chance ^^
See you guys. Have a lovely week *waves* <3
Canni xx
Now I can finally show you pictures of my little niece ^^ She was born yesterday evening :D

She is just the cutest thing I've ever seen :D Along with her cousins ofc :p I'm looking forward for them to take her home ^^ Here's another one:

I'm so sorry, I didn't take more pictures. But her father has taken abput 100 photos and we'll get them as soon as they go gome with her ^^ Then I'll post better ones :D I didn't wanna disturb her with taking a lot of photos so..
But here she is :D
Canni xx
Music I luff ^^

Hi guys :D
I'm quite bored today so I thought I'd introduce you to some music, I've come across lately and have fallen completely in love with ^^
Enjoy ^^
Here we go:
The first one is "Come Home" by OneRepuplic. This song is so amazing. It really touched me and I just had to listen to it over and over again, when I found it. This version is feat. Sarah Bareilles.
The second I wanna show you is the theme song of a series, I used to watch back when I was a teenager and still love the music to. "I don't wanna wait" from Dawson's creek:
I have another song from this show which I can't stop listening to. It's "Feels like home" by Chantel Kreviazuk:
Then we have the movie Kill Bill. I really love these movies and Tarantino did an amazing job with the music. Here are 4 of my favorites:
1) "The Flower of Carnage" by Meiko Kaji: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gRIE-txyA3w
2) "Urami Bushi" by Meiko Kaji: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eV8JlNdcOEs&feature=related
3) "The lonely Shepherd" by George Zamfir: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QwM-DzPUFIM
4) "Battle without honor or humanity" by Tomoyasu Hotei: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YnfFTVjRpLI
The next I wanna show you is the new single by Aqua. It's called "Back to the 80s" and I love it. Had the pleasure of seing them when they visited Nibe Festival on the 3rd of July. I chose only to show this song, but most of their songs are great and I still like them a lot. ^^
For many years I used to me a huge Westlife fan. I still adore a lot of their music and this song is just so fitting a couple in a story I'm writing atm. So I'm in love with the lyrics for this song and listen to is all the time. This is "Soledad" by Westlife.
This is all for now. But I'll most likely be back with more love later ^^ Hope i made you like something new :D
Canni xx
It's a Girl :D
Today I became an aunt for the third time ^^ I'm so happy for my sister, Kathleen and her fiancé, Troels. They have been together for about two years if I remember correctly.
I can only try to imagine how it must feel to suddenly have a baby to take care of. Now they have to change their lifes entirely and devote all their time to make sure their baby is alright and well. And my sister is only 23 years old O_O Seriously, she's only two years older than me. There's no way I'd ever see myself having a baby in two years. Even if I had a man (or the opportunity to have a baby) I wouldn't dream of it.
I completely respect that my sister thinks family is very important and I have no doubts, she'll be a great mother. ^^ I just don't think it's for me to start a family just yet. But I'm so happy I now have two nieces and one nephew to shower with love and to spoil :D
My niece is gonna be named Alberte. She was born at the hospital in Aalborg, Denmark at 6.30 pm, local time. She is 54.5 cm long and her weight is 4280 g. ^^
All of us have been wandering around all day, waiting to hear news about her. My sister was taken to the hospital at 8 o'clock Saturday morning and all day we heard very little. When my sister finally called my mum, she told us to come and see Alberte, so inmidiately my oldest sister, Camilla, my mum, dad and me got in the car and drove to the hospital.
As soon as we saw Troels, we could see he was so proud and happy. Propably a bit relieved and most likely exhausted as fuck o.o Dad and I went to say hello and congratulate Kathleen, then Troels took us to see the baby.
She is just so adorable ^^ I already love her so much. Can't wait for them to take her home and for us to get to know her :D It's amazing, how such a little person can make anyone so touched. I almost cried, when I saw her. It was such a huge experience.
I'm so sorry I'm not able to show you a picture of the little angel. Of course I'll post it as soon as I have one ^^
Welcome to the world, love. You have my heart already <3 I might be just as proud of you as your mum and dad ^^
Auntie C