// Final chapter is up! - Chapter one!

First chapter of my newest creation ^^
This time joined by my lovely co-believer Marie *giggles*
Read, review and track :D

"I guess we never really moved on"
"It felt so good to think about that. To relive it, be there again. To be yours again..”
New fic on THF, written with Twinsie <3 Read, review and track ^^
I guess we never really moved on..
"Mr. Boombastic"
This vid inspired me to write my best het to date! Thank you Naseda <3
Ice Cream
*waves* Hello ^^
So I have this new ff, I translated into English and it just got accepted to :D It’s a oneshot and it’s called:
A short preview:
It’s hard enough that Danni comes around to hang out with Bill. But when they practically are strangling each other with tongues, right in front of me it’s almost unbearable. I want for it to be me with Danni, so bad it hurts.
Here's the link:
Please go read ^^ And don’t forget to comment :D Hope you’ll enjoy it <3
Canni xx
In between :D
So a friend and me, have been writing this fanfiction for a little time now, and it's called "In between". It's about Gustav's littlesister, which also is Toms girlfriend, and Bill is totally in love with her. The idea was originally made from a roleplay on textmessages, but we thought it could become a really great fanfiction! We just posted chapter 1 at :D You should take a look!
We'll keep updating as much as possible!!