x-factor, Denmark 2011 ~ Winner
Presenting herself with her first single, Sarah!
Nuff said, she was my favourite from the second she stepped onto that auditionstage :D
Baby, Baby, Baby, oooh! <3

Used to think he was really arrogant,
this proves me wrong:
x Factor DK // Liveshow 1

Born this way :D
I really like it, I almost love it :P
What do you guys think? ^.^
Journey to the past // Icelandic
This is also my favorite song from the movie ^.^
I'm so confused though: People say that it's not a Disney movie! I can't figure out if it's true, I can't possibly imagine this as NOT being a Disney movie O_O
Please comment if you know anything!

La Petite Sirene ~ Partir Lá-bas // The Little Mermaid ~ Part of That World
Hey guys!
I just wanted to post this. I have a thing with this song and viewing one of those multi-language videos I fell upon the French version and fell in love!
Nothing really to say other than; Enjoy! <3
. : Beauty : .
I want to learn to play the piano.. And draw, just so I can do that one day!
~ Forever now! ~
When I thought that everything was black, and that love was dead, they came to rescue me.
When I was on the edge, and I wanted to break away, they told me don't jump.
They told me to scream it out loud, and when they said ready set go, not even 1000 oceans could stop me. They told me to live every second as if it was the final day.
But most important of all, they told me: "I am by your side and to me you´ll be forever sacred."
They made me their alien and taught me to raise my hands and make noise to the world. They unleashed the dogs on those who are automatic and took me to the Darside of the sun. They filled my ears with screamin' and had me crying when that day never came.
When I was down and broken, they told me "Zoom into me" and told me about the pain of love. They moved me by telling me about the world behind my wall. I learned how human connects to human by chasing the phantomrider to find the Humanoid in me. When I lost my rythm, they screamed "Hey you! We can turn it up!" And we did.
I learned to celebrate it loud, in love and death - Forever now!
Som de fleste ved blev Melodi Grand Prix 2010 afholdt for nogle timer siden, og som tradition er der altid Eurovision Song Contest, som dette år bliver afholdt i Norges hovedstad, Olso.
I denne forbindelse har de fleste siddet og fulgt med, da Chanée & N’evergreen tog sejren hjem med sangen ”In A Moment Like This”.
Som sagt så bliver ESC afholdt i Oslo, og i forbindelse med finalen, som bliver afholdt lørdag den 29. maj, tænkte vi, at vi ville invitere jer op til Canni, hvor der så vil blive holdt Grand Prix parteeeeey!
Skulle det ske, at Danmarks bidrag ikke ryger i finalen, håber vi alligevel, at I ville have lyst til at komme og heppe på en land – måske Tyskland?
I skal være meget velkomme til at komme fredag og blive hele weekenden frem til søndag xD
Vi vil meget gerne have et svar på, om I kan komme eller ej, og derved bliver sidste frist for svar fredag den 14. maj :D
Vi er så spændte, og vi håber på, at så mange af jer så muligt vil komme og have en hyggelig weekend med os – Vi ses sgu ikke nok!
Mange hilsner,
Canni & Emma
Muah, love you! xoxo
I wanna grow old with you
This song has always been very dear to me, now more than ever, since I now know exactly what it's about - It's an amazing feeling, but I only got to feel it for a short time /: It always makes me cry so much which is why I don't listen to it that much anymore..
Anyway, I wanted to share this beautiful song:
Another day
Without your smile
Another day just passes by
But now I know
How much it means
For you to stay
Right here with me
The time we spent apart will make our love grow stronger
But it hurt so bad I can't take it any longer
I wanna grow old with you
I wanna die lying in your arms
I wanna grow old with you
I wanna be looking in your eyes
I wanna be there for you
Sharing everything you do
I wanna grow old with you
A thousand miles between us now
It causes me to wonder how
Our love tonight remains so strong
It makes our risk right all along
The time we spent apart will make our love grow stronger
But it hurt so bad I can't take it any longer
I wanna grow old with you
I wanna die lying in your arms
I wanna grow old with you
I wanna be looking in your eyes
I wanna be there for you
Sharing everything you do
I wanna grow old with you
Things can come and go I know but
Baby I believe
Something's burning strong between us
Makes it clear to me
I wanna grow old with you
I wanna die lying in your arms
I wanna grow old with you
I wanna be looking in your eyes
I wanna be there for you
Sharing everything you do
I wanna grow old with you
Lord of The Warriors!
This is one of the more random updates. I take dance lessons and in practice a few years ago we got introduced to this amazing dance called "Lord of The Warriors". My sister and me completely fell in love with it!
It's a really difficult dance, I find. Because of the counts, rythm and speed. I never actually got to learn how to do it, my sister did though.
Anyway, I just found the music to it, and to me it's just unbelievable!
(don't mind the video, it's the music you wanna pay attention to!)
I always loved that kind of music and this is definitely one of the best I've ever heard :D
Hope you enjoy it as much as I do <3
Take care y'all

Runrig <33
Hi guys.
I just got the pictures I took from the concert with Runrig I went to on the 12th. I haven’t talked about it yet, since I really wanted to be able to show you some pictures along with me talking xD
So, we went to the venue about half an hour before the door opened (mostly adults like Runrig, there’s no need to camp outside to get to the front row, like with our boys xD)
And when they let us in, I just stormed down to the stage and luckily my sister and I could get a spot on the front row. When we got inside, I got us some beer and we waited for the supporting band to go on stage. The girlband was called Giveway and they were amazing! Just in the Runrig style since they’re all from Scotland and the girls play violins and they sound so amazing ^^ I was going to buy their album at the venue, but I never got the chance. Maybe I’ll buy it from their website some time :D
When Runrig came on stage, the room went wild, it was so huge, I’ve been waiting for this concert in over a year and it was so worth the wait! They played so many amazing songs, and even some I’ve never heard live before ^^ They played one of my favorites and I nearly cried. Yes, I know, but it was so perfect I didn’t know what else to do. And it was insane, since I normally bitch about it being embarrassing when someone cries at a concert. O.o
But it was an awesome experience I have no words to describe how it was. Someone needs to come up with a word for “tremendous, amazing, unbelievably fucking good, and too good for words”- combined! <33
Anyway I’m off for now, maybe I’ll show some more pics another time ^^
Runrig :D
Hi everyone ^^
I was supposed to write an update about what happened in December, but I have no time today, since in about an hour I’m going to a concert ^^ With Runrig!
We’ve been waiting for this concert for more than a year! Ö
Goodness I’m so excited, this is so great, I can’t wait!! *flails*´
I was going to show you some pics from the concert I went to in the summer 2008, but I don’t have the time now, unfortunately. I’ll see you guys later ^^
Music I luff ^^

Hi guys :D
I'm quite bored today so I thought I'd introduce you to some music, I've come across lately and have fallen completely in love with ^^
Enjoy ^^
Here we go:
The first one is "Come Home" by OneRepuplic. This song is so amazing. It really touched me and I just had to listen to it over and over again, when I found it. This version is feat. Sarah Bareilles.
The second I wanna show you is the theme song of a series, I used to watch back when I was a teenager and still love the music to. "I don't wanna wait" from Dawson's creek:
I have another song from this show which I can't stop listening to. It's "Feels like home" by Chantel Kreviazuk:
Then we have the movie Kill Bill. I really love these movies and Tarantino did an amazing job with the music. Here are 4 of my favorites:
1) "The Flower of Carnage" by Meiko Kaji: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gRIE-txyA3w
2) "Urami Bushi" by Meiko Kaji: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eV8JlNdcOEs&feature=related
3) "The lonely Shepherd" by George Zamfir: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QwM-DzPUFIM
4) "Battle without honor or humanity" by Tomoyasu Hotei: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YnfFTVjRpLI
The next I wanna show you is the new single by Aqua. It's called "Back to the 80s" and I love it. Had the pleasure of seing them when they visited Nibe Festival on the 3rd of July. I chose only to show this song, but most of their songs are great and I still like them a lot. ^^
For many years I used to me a huge Westlife fan. I still adore a lot of their music and this song is just so fitting a couple in a story I'm writing atm. So I'm in love with the lyrics for this song and listen to is all the time. This is "Soledad" by Westlife.
This is all for now. But I'll most likely be back with more love later ^^ Hope i made you like something new :D
Canni xx