100 truths about MissCandyfloss ^^

This is my new blog, which I already love ^^ I owe it all to JeanetteJewel, who is the brains behind the layout :P
Now, everybody can see what I have to say (I've had problems with LJ before). I'm very happy with the way it turned out :D
So everybody, welcome to my blog : D
I'm gonna kick off with something about me:100 Truths:
001. Real name: Carina -_-
002. Nickname(s): Canni
003. Status: Currently single xD
004. Zodiac sign: Saggittarius.
005. Male or female: Female.
006. Religion: Christian.
007. Elementary: Nibe skole.
008. Middle School: The same ^
009. High School: Støvring Gymnasium.
010. Hair color: Brown.
011. Eye color: Grey/blue.
012. Loud or Quiet? Quiet.
013. Sweats or Jeans? Sweats.
014. Phone or Camera? Phone.
015. Health freak? No. I ought to be.
016. Favorite Physical Quality: My eyes.
017. Do you have a crush on someone? Yes, I think? :i
018. Eat or Drink? Drink.
020. Tattoos: Not yet, but I really want one. Or 5 xD
021. Water or Fire? Fire.
022. Love of your life or 4 Billion Dollars? Love of my life.
023. First fear: Spiders.
024. First best friend: Annesophie.
025. First award: Can't remember.
026. First crush - Real crush? René, I guess :P
027. First pet: I guess, either my rabbit or my bird.
028. First big vacation: Mandal, Norway for a Week.
029. First big birthday: Always had big birthdays.
030. Brothers: None.
031. Sisters: Two. Kathleen(+) Camilla (+)
033. Favorite Dessert: Chocolate.
034. Favorite toy in your house: My Disney Trivial Persuit game. Or.. my ‘special' toy xD
035. Favorite tv-show: Right now it has to be Hollyoaks. With the storyline of the lovely John Paul McQueen & the gorgeous Craig Dean ^^
036. Favorite Season: Spring.
037. Favorite Flower(s): Rose.
038. Favorite Spice: Barbeque?
039. Pancakes or Waffles? Pancakes for sure!
040. Left- or Righthanded? Righthanded.
041. Ever been kissed? Oh yes.
042. How many relationships have you been in? Just one.
043. Silver or Gold? Silver.
044. Favorite movie? Harry Potter & the half blood Prince and Angels& Demons.
045. Desktop or laptop? Laptop, for sure.
046. Ever been out of the country? I have.
047. Where? Spain, France, Norway, Sweden, Germany..
048. Big City or Small town? I live in a small town, but I'd love to move to a big city.
049. Favorite Food type: Home made.
050. Favorite Drink: Pepsi Max.
051. Dogs or Cats-allergy? Yes, I'm afraid s;
052. I'm about to: Look for a picture.
053. Listening to: Atomic Kitten - You are.
054. Plans for today: Find more stuff to post on the blog, listen to music, spam all over Thus, try not to freak out again..
055. Waiting for? My sister to give birth.
056. Your Height: 154 cm -_-‘
057. Contacts or Glasses? Both.
058. Want kids? I might.
059. Want to get married? I'd love to, if it feels right.
060. Careers in mind: Journalism, writing, owning a bookshop?
061. Rain or Snow? Rain. I love to walk in the rain.
062. Gloves or Mittens? Both.
063. Favorite Girl's Names: Mackenzie, Mati, Taylor, Rose, Kim, Zoe, Hannah..
064. Favorite Boy's Names: Lucas, Daniel, Nicolas, Mark..
065. Believe in Magic? Yes.
066. Soda, Pop, or Coke? Coke.
067. Favorite band? Tokio Hotel. And atm I'm crazy about Westlife as well so.. :P
068. Prefer lips or eyes? Depends, but I'd have to say both, then.
069. Great body or great personality? Great personality.
070. Do you want to be shorter or taller? Taller, for sure.
071. Favorite actor/actress: I adore guy Burnet so much, just because he's hot as hell! And also Tom Felton and Rupert Grint ^^
072. Romantic or spontaneous? Spontaneousness can be romantic.
073. Nice stomach or nice arms? Nice stomach.
074. Sensitive or loud? Sensitive.
075. Hook-up or relationship? Relationship.
076. Should you be friends first or date first? Friends, I think.
077. Trouble maker or hesitant? A bit of both.
078. Do you have a phobia? I'm dead scared of spiders O_O if I see one my reaction is likely to be a panicattack Oo
079. Favorite Board Game? Trivial Pershuit.
080. Lost glasses/contacts? Yes.
082. Hold a gun/knife for defense? Never.
083. Killed someone? Gawd, I hope not?
084. Heartbroken? Yes..
085. Been arrested? Never.
086. Done anything illegal? Yes.
087. Cried when someone died? Do films count?
088. Cried by yourself? Yes.
089. Laughed till you cried? Many times.
090. Believe in miracles? Yes :D
091. Believe in love at first sight? Yes, and I always will.
092. Heaven? Definately!
093. Santa Claus? Oh yes!
094. Say 'I Love you' on the first date? Nope.
095. Kiss on the first date? Depends, but I never have.
096. Hold hands on the first date? I love holding hands, so why not? :P
097. Is there one person you want to be with right now? Yes, oh fuck yes!
098. Are you seriously happy with where you are in life? No, not at all..
099. Do you believe in God? I believe in God.
100. What's your favorite song at the moment? "I am" by Hilary Duff <3
That's me, I hope you had fun getting to know me a bit better. It's quite likely I'll post more of these things. Because I love answering questions :D
Anyway, I'll stop now. See you guys later.
Canni xx