Christmas Eve ^^
Hi everyone ^^
How’s everyone doing? <3
I’m fantastic right now ^^ Yesterday it was Christmas Eve and I spent the entire day at home with my parents and aunt. It was a relaxing day and I spent it on Twitter, watching a Christmas show called “Pagten” which has an episode each day until the 24th of December.
I was slightly annoyed when I found out I couldn’t watch the ending after sitting there all day waiting for the big finish!
Then my family arrived and we had the most amazing dinner! I love the food on Christmas Eve! *luff for daddi’s cooking*
After dinner, we went home to my sister and brother in law’s house where we danced around the Christmas tree, sang carols and had all the presents ^^
I got the first present, that has never happened before *giggle* I got so many stuff, I can’t really remember all of them, but I’m so happy with everything I got. I only got one thing that needs to be taken back. The bag I got for my mini-computer is too small, so I’ll need to have a bigger one and in a different pattern ^^ It’s all!
It was so amazing, I got so many things, I never expected so many. And I loved all of them!
The best thing about the night was seeing my nephew and niece so excited about all the stuff they got :D I love seeing other people opening presents and especially the children!
It just makes me thinks about how incredibly much I’d love to have children one day :ii
Anyway, I’d love to show pictures of all my presents, but since I don’t have a camera, I can’t s:
I’m off to be done for the night and to get some sleep, since I need to get up at 4.14 in the morning *giggle*
Christmas is on the way!
Hi guys ^^
Oh my goodness, what an insane weekend! I’ve been so low down all weekend and Monday I was sort of sick so I went to bed early o.o And when I woke up yesterday, Lisa was back home! <3
As soon as she was home it only took about 3 minutes for me to sigh and feel all the negative things go away and just be happy again ^^ I’ve never ever missed anyone this much, and it might be insane and it might not make much sense, but to the both of us, it means so much! It means that what we feel is true and it makes me know for sure, that what I feel is not just some random fling-thing.
I’m in love with her and I don’t care what everyone else thinks! <3
This weekend also meant something else: I talked to both of my sisters this weekend and told them about me and Lisa. My oldest sister kind of knew so she didn’t really have anything to say. My youngest sister actually asked me “Is she your girlfriend?” and I could do nothing but say yes. And I told her about something my dad said a few weeks ago.
Kathleen said: “And who is he to decide that?”
So I felt so much better having them both know ^^ Now we only need to convince my dad and mum o.o
Yesterday I was on webcam with Lisa all day and it just seemed like every other second there was someone behind her :P It was a bit fun because I just knew her entire family was actually looking at me *giggle*
Every time she signs in to msn, it’s always like “Oh by the way, we talked about you earlier” *giggle*
I’m so looking forward to going to meet them in person ^^ Then they’ll have loads more to talk about *giggle*
And it’s in only three days!! *flails* <33
Now I’m off, I need to go Christmas shopping with my parents.. o.o
What doens't kill you makes you stronger?
I'm not too sure about that >.<
First of all I’m just going to say, that what I’m going to write now, is most likely just going to seem like a load of crap, since it’s sort of ridiculous, I guess..
So please, don’t comment or say anything. This is just something I need to get out, because I didn’t get the chance to tell anyone all of this and it needs to get out now.
So.. Now it’s Sunday. Today has been awful really /: I had a slight hangover because of us going out last night. But it was not really the problem.
The thing is, I’m so deeply in love and right now she’s not here. She’s in Germany all damn weekend to have an amazing time with some shopping and a great concert with Bushido.
I really really wish that she has the best time, since she really deserves it <3 But I miss her god damn it! I’m not able to talk to her until she’s back home tomorrow night.
This feels like hell, I honestly can’t function when I can’t talk to her. Everyone talks about me going to see her soon and that everything is going to be alright.
Everyone says: “Think positive, think about you seeing her in a week” but it’s not helping! I can’t think positive in any way at all I never could, so just don’t tell me something like that. It’s not helping me!
I’ve been this close to crying all day. And I know she’ll hate this when she reads it, but I can’t help it :’( I need her so badly already it’s killing me to know I’m not going to talk to her for more than 24 hours still >.<
As soon as she’s back, it will be 5 days until I’m going to fly down to see her, I’m so excited to do that, but knowing this only makes it even more insane I have the insane need to go and see her in fucking Stuttgart!!
Ever since I signed out yesterday and she left, it felt like someone hit me in my stomach and took all my air away. I wanted to cry, but it was my birthday and I had to help my dad preparing dinner.
All I want is for her to be here, to hug me and make everything else not matter.
I’m so sorry, baby.. I know this isn’t very nice to read and it’s so insane I’m even feeling this jealous. This is so much harder than I thought it was going to be /: I love you so much.. I can’t wait to having you back home <3333
Turning a corner!
Yesterday it was my birthday!! *dances*
Yayness! Anyway, I was supposed to celebrate it with one of my best friends, Marie, but it turned out we both actually got sick, and the snow is making it hell outside so she couldn’t make it unfortunately /:
I’m really sorry about that because I miss her so much! <33 But she’ll be here in less than 3 weeks, so we’ll be alright. Hopefully we’ll be well at that time <3
So I woke up at my parent’s house, with my dad and mum singing for me. Then I got up and opened the presents from my parents. It was a necklace with a fairy that looks like Tinkerbell, which is perfect because I want a tattoo with Tinkerbell someday.
They also gave me 500DKK, which was perfect since I need some money to spend when I go to Belgium on Saturday! *flails*
After that I went to open the present that Lisa sent for me <3 It was the most beautiful necklace, it was so cute! I love it so much, I had to wear it immediately. <3 She also sent me a bag of Skittles, which is kind of the new way into my heart *giggle*
Then there was the cutest card I’ve ever gotten! Honestly it was so amazing I just couldn’t say anything. It made me speechless :i
We then went to visit my sister and I got some breakfast. My sister, my brother in law and baby niece got me 150 DKK which just made it even better since I wished for money ^^
The afternoon I spent with my dad alone in the house, because mum had to work. I talked to Marie on the phone and to Amy, Nettøh and Lisa on msn. Everybody was so sweet and amazing to me. Amy made me this:
Which I’m so grateful for, because I really didn’t expect it. That was just so thoughtful of her and even though she said it wasn’t that big of a deal, I think it was <3 I love it ^^
Nettøh was the sweetest thing, she made me the cutest video saying all these things about me. It was simply just what I needed. It made me feel so loved and it really made me realize how incredibly lucky I am to have these girls in my life! <33
I LOVE ALL OF YOU GIRLS SO SO SO MUCH!! I have no words to describe it, and normally I’m great with words Ô You all know who you are <3
At night my dad and I had my sister, brother in law and their two children come over for dinner. Before they arrived, I had to say goodbye to Lisa :’( She’s in Stuttgart with one of her friends, to see Bushido. I never really loved Bushido, but I’m so jealous anyway. Guess why?
She’s not going to be at home before Monday, so we needed to say goodbye yesterday. The second I shut down my computer I missed her like mad! But I had stuff to do....
Dad and I prepared dinner and when the guests arrived I got three great gifts:
The paper says, I get a ticket to the movies and dinner paid by my sister. We’re going Sunday evening to watch “Avatar” <3
The T-shirt I wore when we went out the same evening. We had made all these arrangements but everyone ended up canceling on us, so we were only the two of us o.o
But it was okay, we were practically the only girls there so we got a good load of attention = Free drinks!
None of us got drunk though xD I had an okay time, but I have to admit I felt pretty weird knowing I was not going to talk to my sunshine all weekend /:
We were there until about 2.30 am and we agreed on going home. I went straight to bed and slept until 4 pm this afternoon xD
And that was how I got a year older!
Forever <3
You make me smile, when no one else can
You make me think about things I never thought I would
You make me feel proud to be who I am
You make me feel better than I never thought I could
I have no words to describe
Exactly how I feel for you
Because saying those three words
Is simply not enough
You saved me, made me laugh and cheered me up
You came into my life and caught me off guard
It was the last thing I expected
But I knew almost immediately
You were different and special
Now you’re mine
I’m as happy as can be
I feel alive again
When I think about you
They say if it doesn’t kill you it will make you stronger
But I can’t be without you any longer
You only bring out the best in me
I’ll be yours forever
Lord of The Warriors!
This is one of the more random updates. I take dance lessons and in practice a few years ago we got introduced to this amazing dance called "Lord of The Warriors". My sister and me completely fell in love with it!
It's a really difficult dance, I find. Because of the counts, rythm and speed. I never actually got to learn how to do it, my sister did though.
Anyway, I just found the music to it, and to me it's just unbelievable!
(don't mind the video, it's the music you wanna pay attention to!)
I always loved that kind of music and this is definitely one of the best I've ever heard :D
Hope you enjoy it as much as I do <3
Take care y'all

Runrig <33
Hi guys.
I just got the pictures I took from the concert with Runrig I went to on the 12th. I haven’t talked about it yet, since I really wanted to be able to show you some pictures along with me talking xD
So, we went to the venue about half an hour before the door opened (mostly adults like Runrig, there’s no need to camp outside to get to the front row, like with our boys xD)
And when they let us in, I just stormed down to the stage and luckily my sister and I could get a spot on the front row. When we got inside, I got us some beer and we waited for the supporting band to go on stage. The girlband was called Giveway and they were amazing! Just in the Runrig style since they’re all from Scotland and the girls play violins and they sound so amazing ^^ I was going to buy their album at the venue, but I never got the chance. Maybe I’ll buy it from their website some time :D
When Runrig came on stage, the room went wild, it was so huge, I’ve been waiting for this concert in over a year and it was so worth the wait! They played so many amazing songs, and even some I’ve never heard live before ^^ They played one of my favorites and I nearly cried. Yes, I know, but it was so perfect I didn’t know what else to do. And it was insane, since I normally bitch about it being embarrassing when someone cries at a concert. O.o
But it was an awesome experience I have no words to describe how it was. Someone needs to come up with a word for “tremendous, amazing, unbelievably fucking good, and too good for words”- combined! <33
Anyway I’m off for now, maybe I’ll show some more pics another time ^^
"World behind my Wall" video!
Hi guys ^^
It’s Monday evening and just a few minutes ago, I saw Tokio Hotel’s new video for “World behind my Wall”. It’s been huge news, and everyone went crazy on twitter. Posting about it every second, waiting in anticipation, acting like maniacs, who kept refreshing the pages all the time to see if it had been posted.
The song is my favorite song on the new album and I admit I was expecting quite a lot of it. The song is so amazing I can listen to it all day. The performance at the EMAs was EPIC, I never saw anything like it. It beat the one with Monsoon from 2007 by far!!
The song has a atmosphere that inspires me to think in so many options when it comes to a video. I was ecstatic when I heard it was going to be their next single.
And now the video is here.
And the thought running through my mind is “Why don’t you go crazy like everyone else do? It’s obviously amazing, why don’t you cry or scream or do something?”
Because I don’t think it really is that amazing. I adore the song, the video is beautiful, thoughtful and cute. The clips are great, they fit together, but it’s not nearly as amazing as the song. I was expecting something with a ‘real story’ not just a the band performing with a lot of clips with them chasing each other, having food fights, hugging and hanging out with their dog. O.o
I might be a bitch here, I just don’t think the video does any kind of justice to the song whatsoever. And I have no clue whatever had everyone going crazy about it ALL DAY. I’m sorry if I’m offending anyone, I do just not love the two things together. At all.
I’m off for now.
Friday = Proper Diagnose
Hi everyone ^^
Alright, so I went to see a psychiatrist this Friday, to make sure I have the right diagnose. I have mentioned before, I’m pretty sure I have Asbergers Syndrome which is why I needed to have it cleared out for sure.
I went Friday and she started off my asking me all these questions and after about an hour, she told me I don’t have AS anyway. Imagine how shocking that is to learn after you’ve been told you have an incurable disease!
In the end she told me she’s sure I have PTSD, which is basically Post Traumatic Stress Disorder.
I means I am sick, but that it’s definitely curable and that she’ll be able to do that within about 5-10 sessions. I am so damn happy to know that, but it’s quite overwhelming. She told me all these things, which fit on me so much it’s almost scary. It’s like I’ve changed completely as a person. I used to be very bubbly and outgoing; I even used to have great friendships with boys!!
All that stopped, and she can make all the negative things and the pain go away. She can make me feel great and so much better.
I’ll be without huge problems after just about 3 months!
And just to be clear, people only think torture victims and soldiers suffer from PTSD, but it can also be caused by incidents a lot ‘smaller’, like in my case. It’s apparently much more common than I thought. O.o
Anyway, the point is, my psychologist and doctor were wrong, so now I need to apply for the government to pay for the treatment, so I can get well and get an education ^^
I’m so relieved ;D
And now I’m off for bed. Daddy and I are going shopping tomorrow :D
Challenge :D
My good friend Jeanette tagged me on her blog with this nice thing, so I have to do it as well *giggle* Anyway, I'll have to tag three other people, so wait until the bottom to find out if you're on it ^^
3 things I remember, as if it was yesterday:
- The day, she was finally honest with me. >.<
- The day I learned about Lisa's feelings :i
- Last Christmas
3 things I don't like:
- Felling like I'm being selfish
- Missing
- Spiders
3 things I like:
- Writing
- Holding hands
- Christmas
3 blogs I visit daily:
Is it rude to say my own? :P
- Nettøh
- Ea
3 songs (edit; cd's) I listen to lately:
- "Bad Romance" by Gaga
- "Tik Tok" by Ke$ha
- "Hallelujah" by Alexandra Burke
3 tv-shows I'm following:
- America's Next Top Model
- A shot at Love
- Zulu Djævleræs xD
3 bloggers I'll challenge:
- I actually don't have more than two people to tag for this o.o
- Pipper
- Mariesen
That's it, I think. I'll be off now. Bye everyone ^^
What happened? Part 3!
Hello *waves*
So now it’s finally Christmas!
This month is so weird, I’m supposed to be all super excited about Christmas, but I don’t really think about it that much.. I have so much stuff I’m looking forward to this month I’m not really in the ‘Christmas-mood’ yet. Hopefully I will be soon though.
On the 3rd I went to Sweden with my parents and older sister. I bought some cute stuff; a pair of skinny jeans, a T-shirt, a porcelain cupcake and a dress to wear at night when I go down to visit Lisa *giggle*
I was going to get a digital camera, but I never got to do that xD
The next day, I went to visit Jeanette. I missed her so much and I had such a great time with her :D We took a lot of pictures and I think her sister was a bit annoyed, that we made too much noise xD
We baked gingerbread Saturday. And I suck at it*giggle* Thank god my mum is baking this Christmas :P
And she convinced me to post my wishlist on LJ ( So if you want to make me insanely happy, go check it out :D
Even though I was so exhausted from the 3 hours in a bus, it was so worth it to go see her! ^^
And after coming home, Jeanette was so kind to change the look of my blog to make me start updating again :P And I just love it!
The day I was supposed to start blogging, my computer crashed with like a million viruses -.- But I had it fixed, and now I’m up and running again! But with 500 DKK less x_x
Which means no tattoo for me this month -.- I was hoping I’d get one, but I don’t have the money, especially since I’m going to Belgium as well o.o
And I still need about 5 presents.
Anyway I’m hoping for a lot of money for my birthday *giggle*
I’m off. I’ll be back before you know it. Bye, babes *waves*
Runrig :D
Hi everyone ^^
I was supposed to write an update about what happened in December, but I have no time today, since in about an hour I’m going to a concert ^^ With Runrig!
We’ve been waiting for this concert for more than a year! Ö
Goodness I’m so excited, this is so great, I can’t wait!! *flails*´
I was going to show you some pics from the concert I went to in the summer 2008, but I don’t have the time now, unfortunately. I’ll see you guys later ^^
What happened? Part 2:
Another update for the day ^^
Today has been a day of updates. In the last month, I spend most of the time in bed, being sick. I got hit by the Swine Flu, meaning I felt awful for about 10 days and even after those, I still felt exhausted and cold for weeks. This disease is the worst thing I’ve had, I think
It’s frustrating, that all you can do is lie down and sleep, while waiting for you to feel better. /:
The worst thing wasn’t the disease, it was the fact that I lost my will to write, which is the thing I love more than anything else in this world!
I had a long long time with just nothing. And before I got sick, I slowly had myself getting addicted to RPG and suddenly it just stooped for weeks. Then I had about a week where it was okay, now it’s just totally off again.. s: I miss it, but if I write anything now, it’ll be without inspiration or passion to do good. It will be forced and then I’d rather not do it..
But now, Jeanette helped me out and I just want to update my blog all the time ^^
Tomorrow, I finally made my mum bake cookies *yayness*
And Denmark plays it’s first game in the next round of the World Championships! :D
I’m off for now, I’ll be back before you know it though *giggles*
~ In your shadow I can shine ~
Hi guys :D
Something very huge happened a few months ago. As I talked about in the video, I have met an amazing girl, through twitter. Her name is Lisa and I love her so much. We have been really good friends for a while before I slowly started realizing, I didn’t just love her as a friend.
She made me feel safe and I trust her with my life, and most of all my heart. I’ve found a person I can depend on, love and know without any doubt will love me back. ^^
This is different than my friends, even though I love them just as much. This is just something else.. I don’t consider Lisa as my friend, she’s the one I want to spend the rest of my life with. <3
She makes me happy and that’s all I care about. <3
The only problem is, that she lives in Belgium. :( Which means we haven’t met her yet. And we just want to really.. But her dad is so amazing, he invited me down to spend the Christmas holiday and New Year’s Eve with them ^^ I can’t wait! I’m going in only two weeks :D I promise to take all the pictures I can and give full report when I come home ^^
In other words: The Diva has fallen in love *giggle*
What happened? Part 1!
Hi everyone! :D
I had a small problem with my computer yesterday, so I never got to update as I promised I would. Well, now I'm up and running again, so I want to try and run through what happened in the past 2.5 months. ^^
As I already mentioned, I got sick on the very day of the premiere of THVloggers. Which meant this sucky video.
So if you should have any doubts, that's what I look like xD
The next few weeks, it sucked so bad, because I was sick all the time!!
My second video turned out to be a bit better ^^ But the lighting was awful. Anyway, TH's album was out and I just got addicted right away. Like I said, it's so amazing! Blew me away!
And within about two weeks after that video was posted, we finally got the news we all had been waiting for since March 2008!
And I'm going!!
Of course I'm going! There were some problems in that area, but luckily my dad stepped in and helped me, so now I'm going to the one in Stockholm on the March 4th as well *flails*
I have no words to describe how I feel and how amazing this is! I missed being at a concert, the fans in the queue, seing the boys in action, doing what they love the most and being able to scream, act completely insane and cry.
I can't wait to see Tom and sing along to all of the amazing new songs :D
Most of all, I look so much forward to seing all my girls very soon!
Anyway, I'm off for now.
Bye! *waves*
New layout ^^
Hi guys :D
I know I've been so sucky with my blog lately and I feel so bad about not updating in so long. The thing is I've been insanely busy and so many stuff happened, I have really had no time to keep following and updates. s:
So now, I spoke to my good friend Jeanette ( and she decided to help me out with a new layout to inspire me to keep the updates coming.
Tomorrow I will do my very best to update as much as possible without making it boring *giggles*
I'm so grateful for her helping me out with this ^^ I guess she wants me to get my ass moving on the blogging xD
So I just want to show you all the amazing layout :D <3 Please come and check out the updates soon ^^