"Earth Song" on Danish x-factor
It seems to be a habit of the contestants to have one person, who stands out much more than the rest. This week it was Tine with her version of "Earth Song"
There are no words needed. Simply amazing! <33

Hi again.
I have a problem. Well, I have a lot of problems actually. I'm sick as it is with a lot of mental issues. And all I really want is to be admitted to hospital, I've even found a ward and convinced my adviser at my school.
I think I said something that hit my doctor last time I was up there. I told him about all the thoughts I have and how I have done all these things, hurting myself on purpose, because I thought it made me feel better. s:
He only gave me some new pills and a new appointment two weeks later. When I came home later that day, my first thought when opening the pills was "I wonder if you could die if you take all of them at once?" o.o
The thing is, I need to make my doctor put me into hospital. My parents can't help me, they don't understand a
single thing, even though depression runs in the family. s: They ignore me when I drop hints and try to talk about how I feel. >.< It just feels like they don't care at all and they try to deny how bad I feel. - Last week she told me when she found out she was having me, she really hoped to miscarry o.o Seriously.
Anyway, I don't trust them enough I even though they say we can come to them with anything, it's not true! -.-' Before they'll take me seriously, I'll have to make a doctor say I need to be admitted to a hospital. - Which I now hope I will be able to.
- I'm off now. I'll let you know how things go this Thursday.
The evil vampire and the fat schoolgirl taking over the partaaaay xD
Hello again ^^
As promised, I now return with goodies :P
The 13th I had Lisa visiting me and we went to a party the first night. Before getting completely drunk and acting all weird and ridiculous, we took some pics and recorded this video:
The pictures I took can be found on my tumblr - I'm pretty sure Lisa took some better pics, but I thought I wanted to show you mine too ^^
I had so much fun this week, and the day after I had the worst hangover I've ever had xD But it was worth it! <3
TY for a wonderful week, sweetie ^^
"Uprising" on x-factor DK!
I know it's over a week old, but I still can't forget it. I was watching the first liveshow of x-factor on the 12th. This year it's completely insane how much talent we have on the show!
This performance fucking blew me away! *__*
He has been one of my favorites and since his first audition, I thought "He's going to make it into the final" <3
I've been singing this song all week! Totally in love with it!
x I'll be back later!
Som de fleste ved blev Melodi Grand Prix 2010 afholdt for nogle timer siden, og som tradition er der altid Eurovision Song Contest, som dette år bliver afholdt i Norges hovedstad, Olso.
I denne forbindelse har de fleste siddet og fulgt med, da Chanée & N’evergreen tog sejren hjem med sangen ”In A Moment Like This”.
Som sagt så bliver ESC afholdt i Oslo, og i forbindelse med finalen, som bliver afholdt lørdag den 29. maj, tænkte vi, at vi ville invitere jer op til Canni, hvor der så vil blive holdt Grand Prix parteeeeey!
Skulle det ske, at Danmarks bidrag ikke ryger i finalen, håber vi alligevel, at I ville have lyst til at komme og heppe på en land – måske Tyskland?
I skal være meget velkomme til at komme fredag og blive hele weekenden frem til søndag xD
Vi vil meget gerne have et svar på, om I kan komme eller ej, og derved bliver sidste frist for svar fredag den 14. maj :D
Vi er så spændte, og vi håber på, at så mange af jer så muligt vil komme og have en hyggelig weekend med os – Vi ses sgu ikke nok!
Mange hilsner,
Canni & Emma
Muah, love you! xoxo
~ ● Ðıġ ● ~
Heej <3
I aften bestemte jeg mig for at skrive et indlæg på dansk. Fordi jeg har noget, jeg vil vise jer. Jeg har i en uges tid arbejdet på at udvide mine kreative evner inde for skrivekunsten og er begyndt at skrive digte.
Det nyeste er her. Det hedder "Dig" og er dedikeret til hver og én af mine specielle, fantastiske, forstående, skønne, vidunderlige og uundværlige veninder! I ved alle godt, hvem I er <33
Det vi har sammen
er mere end blot venskab
Det du betyder
er langt mere
og langt dybere
Ville være intet uden dig
Din støtte er alt
Din stemme kan berolige mig
og jeg føler mig tryg
så snart jeg er i dit selskab
Er du der
er jeg glad, hel
Uden dig er jeg ingenting
Jeg skylder dig alt
Kunne jeg købe solen, månen
og alle himlens stjerner
ville de alle være dine på stedet!
Kan ikke finde ord for
hvor vigtig du er
At sige de tre ord
er simpelthen ikke nok
Du er den vigtigste person i mit liv
uden tvivl eller sammenligning
My new livingspace xD
Hi guys!
Today has been a good day. Though it didn't start out too good, since my sis had to come and wake me up because I didn't answer my phone. So I had to get ready in five minutes o.o But we went to Aalborg to buy a shirt I've been in love with for ages! So I finally got it ^^
I adore this so much, I've been in love with this for ages! <33
I also went and bought Emmsie her birthday present ^^
And I preordered some stuff, among which is Lisa's birthday present too. So now I have no money left for the rest of the week xD But I'll get the rest of the money my sister owes me soon ^^
So I'll be able to pay back most of the money I owe Marie :D <3
When I came home, I started fixing my clothes and just making my apartment look nice and in the end I moved some things around. I just wanted to show you guys:
After being this active all day, I feel so good ^^ This has been the best day I've had in weeks! I really hope my pills are starting to work. I'm not sure they do, but I'm allowed to hope <3
I'm so excited about the weekend since Emma has been allowed to come and visit me! I can't wait to see her, I love her so much! <3
Her mum is supposed to call me tomorrow, just because it'll make her feel more safe about sending her daughter to meet a friend living in the other end of the country xD
Even though I'm not someone to fear at all! ö I'm most likely the last person to be scared of, but whatever xD
I was supposed to go to school tomorrow, but it's supposed to start snowing like mad and they all call it a snowstorm and even dad says he's not sure I'll be able to get home when I'm off so I'm going to stay home, since I don't want to have to sleep there o.o
I'm off now to watch some more tv, before going to bed ^^
I wanna grow old with you
This song has always been very dear to me, now more than ever, since I now know exactly what it's about - It's an amazing feeling, but I only got to feel it for a short time /: It always makes me cry so much which is why I don't listen to it that much anymore..
Anyway, I wanted to share this beautiful song:
Another day
Without your smile
Another day just passes by
But now I know
How much it means
For you to stay
Right here with me
The time we spent apart will make our love grow stronger
But it hurt so bad I can't take it any longer
I wanna grow old with you
I wanna die lying in your arms
I wanna grow old with you
I wanna be looking in your eyes
I wanna be there for you
Sharing everything you do
I wanna grow old with you
A thousand miles between us now
It causes me to wonder how
Our love tonight remains so strong
It makes our risk right all along
The time we spent apart will make our love grow stronger
But it hurt so bad I can't take it any longer
I wanna grow old with you
I wanna die lying in your arms
I wanna grow old with you
I wanna be looking in your eyes
I wanna be there for you
Sharing everything you do
I wanna grow old with you
Things can come and go I know but
Baby I believe
Something's burning strong between us
Makes it clear to me
I wanna grow old with you
I wanna die lying in your arms
I wanna grow old with you
I wanna be looking in your eyes
I wanna be there for you
Sharing everything you do
I wanna grow old with you