
This show is so one of my new favourite shows!
I love the effects, the story, the humour, the tension between Sam and Dean, everything really ^.^
The story:
Two brothers, Sam and Dean Winchester, team up to find their father, John, who went missing on a hunting trip. However, their father is not a typical hunter: he hunts supernatural creatures like ghosts, vampires, and various demons and he's trained his sons to do the same.
Along the way, Sam and Dean save innocent people, fight creatures and ghosts, and collect clues to their father's whereabouts. Sam begins to mysteriously develop psychic abilities and visions as they travel.
Basically it’s just.. I don’t know I just adore everything about it. Normally I’m not in love with horror movies at all, but this is mixed with great, believable actors and above all, an element of fun – Makes it so much more interesting xD
There’s not much to say really, I’m just going to recommend it to everyone :D
'Criminal Minds'
A thing I found out when I was in Copenhagen was how much I adore this show. It’s so amazing and inventive! They always manage to come up with new ideas for an episode and just when you think you’ve seen it all, they come up with something completely unpredictable so you’re never bored :P
The show revolves around the BAU which is short for The Behavioural Analysis Unit. This unit focuses on catching mainly serial killers using the behavioural analysis to create profiles for the UnSubs (=UnknownSubject).
The agents in the group are Jason Gideon, Aaron Hotchner, Derek Morgan, Spencer Reid, Penelope Garcia, Emely Prentiss and JJ. – I can’t spell her last name xD
Each having their specialty. Most noticeable are Garcia, who runs the computer searches and often assists with the final answer in the puzzle, JJ who handles the press. She’s the Unit’s face to the public and all public/press-related tips and questions go through her first.
Last there is Spencer Reid. He is the Unit’s genius. Simply because he reads so fast you wouldn’t believe it and because he has all the facts about basically everything. It’s his job to provide the backgrounds about other cases, texts linked to the investigation and just being the one people turn to when they’re in need of some info. His name is no coincidence. Spencer means “Provider” and I think that his last name was chosen simply because it sounds like “reed” which he does all the time.
Out of all of them, my favourite is Reid. No doubt. Matthew Gray Gubler plays it brilliantly, he’s so cute and amazing when he has the insane lines. He often has the funny parts as well. Everything he does makes me love him even more :P
But really, you should check it out ^^
Baibai for nauz.
"Earth Song" on Danish x-factor
It seems to be a habit of the contestants to have one person, who stands out much more than the rest. This week it was Tine with her version of "Earth Song"
There are no words needed. Simply amazing! <33

"Uprising" on x-factor DK!
I know it's over a week old, but I still can't forget it. I was watching the first liveshow of x-factor on the 12th. This year it's completely insane how much talent we have on the show!
This performance fucking blew me away! *__*
He has been one of my favorites and since his first audition, I thought "He's going to make it into the final" <3
I've been singing this song all week! Totally in love with it!
x I'll be back later!