New Job!
It’s been a very long week, only because I started a new job. It’s an internship and I’m supposed to be there 12 more weeks :P I work 5 hours a day in a book shop in the middle of Aalborg xD
It’s really tough to carry all those books and unpack new books all day long. My favourite part is being at the counter and interact with people :D I’m happy-ish about it, because it will be very good for my chances to get a real job in a bookshop after the 12 weeks xD
But it’s really a long week when it’s the first time in over 2 years I’ve been working/going to school ö Of course it will be better when I get more used to the daily routines and of course when the huge sale is over :P
Journey to the past // Icelandic
This is also my favorite song from the movie ^.^
I'm so confused though: People say that it's not a Disney movie! I can't figure out if it's true, I can't possibly imagine this as NOT being a Disney movie O_O
Please comment if you know anything!

Do Comeco ao Fim // From Beginning to End
"Do Comeco ao Fim" ~ 2009
Director: Aluizio Abranches
Francisco (age 25): Joäo Gabriel Vasconcellos
Tomás (age 20): Rafael Cardoso

Baking supplies :P
I also got the bags for the butter cream :D

Friday I'll get a new baking book, that Mum bought me :D
I think the entire family likes the habit I took up xD <3

Chocolate/orange cupcakes ^.^
This one is from yesterday too, when I made chocolate/orange cupcakes with buttercream and smarties as decorations :P

The butter cream is made in two different colors, just because I couldn't resist :P
The recipe is in one of my books. And I just added the orange, because I'm awesome like that d;

Chocolate- müslicakes :D

They taste like a small piece of heaven, but I can't eat more than two when I eat them. Because I used dark chocolate even though the recipe says to use white or milkchocolate. :P
The recipe:
125 g white/milk chocolate
25 g of butter
225 g fruit and nut-müsli
You start by melting the butter in a bowl along with the chocolate (We used their microwave but also you can do it in a bowl over a pot with a little boiling water in it)
Then when it's melted, you pour in the müsli and use a spoon to stir and walk it in to a mass that's nice. Then you basically just place a small amount of the mix on a plate with some thin paper or in the mini-muffin shaped thingies you can buy.
If you want to, you can also decorate them with an m&m or smartie on top like we did. Afterwards you just put them in the fridge and let them stiffen up.
Done :D
You should make them one time, they're really good ^.^

Baking at home :D

And with topping:

Even though it doesn't look like buttercream, it is. With blue color and I decorated them with banana and sliced orange chocolate.
They were so tasty!! *-*

Highlights 2010

Just because I’m awesome like that, my blog of course also needs a highlight post :D
Judging from my blog posts through the year, 2010 started out roughly so the first real highlight is as late as March 1. Or a few days before. Because those were the days I spent in front of Forum waiting in line for my favourite band’s first concert in Denmark:
Unfortunately I have no pictures from the actual concert. I spent too much time screaming, I didn’t have enough sense to record of capture anything ö But it was such a great experience!
The 5 days I spent in line were long, cold and so amazing. It was half the experience alone, just being there with all my friends and meeting new people :D Thank you to everyone who shared this experience with me <3
In February, I also had a very special visitor :D Yes, Lisa it’s you! And now it’s almost an entire year since I saw her. I miss her so much. But I need to thank you too for a great week full of smiles ^,^
In general I just spent a lot of time with my friends, I went to visit Marie, Jeanette, MiaMalene, Thea and Emma :P And I played host to Lisa, Marie and Emma during the year :D
The video from above is showing me and my lovely Twinsie while we were on holiday in Blåvand in the summer ^.^
2010 also became the year where I got my first tattoo ever! It’s on my wrist and I still love it so much :P
A few months later, I supplied with one on my wrist, showing one of my biggest loves, cupcakes!:
This next thing, I wouldn’t exactly categorize as a ‘highlight’ but it shaped my year. In June my mum dropped a bomb on all of us. She wanted a divorce, because she met another man. So she left daddy and moved in with her new boyfriend. The house was put on the market and daddy’s mood dropped like you wouldn’t believe.
Today he’s doing better, but not much. He’s on pills as well and even though he needs to, he’s not talking to anyone professional about it.
I was so nervous this Christmas; I was afraid he’d make a huge scene and get drunk but he didn’t actually. We had a lovely time that night ^.^
During this year I also had a wonderful experience! I met my other biggest idol! Yes, I met Mrs Jo Rowling in Odense this year! I got her autograph and saw her so many times that day :D So huge!
Also talking about Happy Potter, in November “The Deathly Hallows – Part 1” premiered *-* I went to the showing at midnight and I so wasn’t disappointed! It’s amazing! – In my earlier blogs, you’ll find a more detailed review :D
AND on November 10th, my year was effing complete! I saw Adam Lambert live! It happened in Vega in Copenhagen. We had waited outside for hours in the cold, and boy was it worth the wait! He is STUNNING! I adore him like you wouldn’t believe and I only tonight realised I haven’t posted a blog about it ö *feels like a bad fan*
Maybe that will be the new year’s resolution :P
TO END OFF a somewhat eventful year, I went to celebrate the last days of the year with Jeanette <3 We had a nice quiet entering of the new year and I have to admit I was really happy to let 2010 go. It’s been both amazing and horribly bad, but all in all, I’ll remember 2010 for the divorce and the concerts above all ^.^
So baibai 2010! *waves*
Nice knowing you!
Thank you to every single person who spent time with me this year and everyone who took the time to try and make me smile :D Lush you all from the bottom of my tiny heart <33
New picture :D

Cupcakes :D