Jensen Ackles - "Eye of the Tiger"

Never Say Never 3D *___*
Look what I just got!!
Unfortunately, I'm going alone - But I'm so excited!!
Will post a review later <33
Draco/Harry Slash ~ Scandalous <3
Made my GypsyRaeyven
Now my new favourite slash video :D
*runs to find some fics*

Prince of Persia :D
Just watched this movie yesterday :D
I’ve wanted to watch it for a long time, I even wanted it for my birthday, but sadly I didn’t get it. Anyway, here it is:
I loved it.
The acting, the story, the music, the effects especially :P
I don’t really have that much negative to say. The only thing is that at times it’s a bit confusing. But nothing worse than a few more run-throughs can’t take care of ^.^
Go watch it, asap!
Do Comeco ao Fim // From Beginning to End
"Do Comeco ao Fim" ~ 2009
Director: Aluizio Abranches
Francisco (age 25): Joäo Gabriel Vasconcellos
Tomás (age 20): Rafael Cardoso

The Vampire Diaries

The main thing is; I don't love the books. I thought they'd be so much better than the show, but basically none of the cool stuff happening in the show happen in the book. At least not in the first book. I don't hate the book, but I don't love it. - Which surprised me a lot.

The main reason why I don't exactly love the books is, that Elena is very unlikable in the first book. She's really annoying to be quite honest. And she's blonde! Not that I hate blonde hair, I just hate the thought of HER as a blonde when I've watched the show for a full season and a half o.o
The idea of her being in love with Stefan is good, but it's just not.. Well, it doesn't feel real o_O I know there's a difference between book and movie, but I've read books where love feels real. Elena seems.. Shallow. Like Caroline to be honest D;
It seems very twodimentional and not very real. Such a shame because the writer is really good at using words in a very curved and beautiful way. The writer makes the sentences beautiful, which seems so weird when the story in itself is very simple and plain.
It's exciting, but not nearly as good and complicated as the show.
I'm so hooked I sit around and wait for the newest episodes to come out on this page where I watch them. I check it every day and now I'm watching the first season for the 3rd time now, it's the best present I got for my birthday :D
Hugs & kisses

Harry Potter & The Deathly Hallows ~ Part 1 [Belated review]
As promised, a more detailed review – IF YOU DON’T WANT SPOILERS, DON’T READ!!
I went to see it at midnight this Wednesday and as I said before, I love it. That day I was really upset because I thought I wasn’t going to watch it anyway. I don’t have any money, but my father was so kind, he offered to lend me the money so I went with my brother in law, Brian ^.^
That’s the first time I’ve gone to the movies with someone to see the same movie at the same time, but sitting in completely different cinemas. – Well, there’s a first for everything :p
Anyway! The cinema was packed! The queue to get sodas and candy was like a mile long until right before the movie began. I literally just sat down with my stuff when the commercials were over and the movie began D:
I love the opening of this one! By far the best one, no doubt! Immediately we get the feeling of danger and seriousness. It nearly brought tears to my eyes seeing Hermione erasing her parent’s memories of her.
And I might as well add: Emma has grown up to become really gorgeous! She looks so beautiful almost no matter when the camera is on her and as the audience, I’m happy with that ^.^
The whole idea with the seven Harry’s is a brilliant one on Jo’s account and the movie accomplishes the sequence perfectly; with ease, fun, a fast pace and sadness.
I feel so sad for Harry that Hedwig dies, but he of course has enough to worry about besides that. I hate that Mad-Eye dies too, I don’t like the way he exits the movie o.o It just seems.. hurried.
Then I have to say, my favorite moment of the entire movie comes. The small moment the twins share after George is hurt. I’m a huge sucker for the read-heads and this movie is no exception!
I love the whole relationship between Ron and Hermione, I love how they made it when Ron destroys the first Horcrux, I missed him when he wasn’t there, but it seemed right for him to leave. Now I can just wait for the final part to come and tie up the knots.
There’s plenty of sadness, fear, scary places, excitement and humor in the movie :D it’s very well made and it doesn’t feel weird at all, that the trio isn’t at Hogwarts. It works, like in the book. I can’t wait for the final part!!
I will recommend people to go watch it in the cinema it’s a completely different experience. Don’t just wait until it comes out on DVD! :D
Harry Potter & The Deathly Hallows ~ Part 1
Just saw it!!
When you get the chance, do the same, because it's amazing! *-*
I'll post a more detailed review when I've had some sleep :p
Vampires suck!
A must see. No other words needed.
'Eclipse' ^^
Hello every single one of my lovely stalkers! ^^
This time, I'm going to use the space on my blog to review the most recent movie I went to the cinema to see ^^ 'Eclipse' premiered on the June 30th and the same night I went to watch it on my own. :P I know this sounds like a bad excuse for being single, but I actually really enjoy going alone to the movies xD
Moving on, this movie is AMAZING!
By far the best in the series! The storyline is much more natural, nothing seems forced. It doesn't seem like the threat on Bella's life is just put in there, because it has to be there or fill out space. - Like it did to me in the first movie. In the second, I was just bored out of my mind ._.
First of all, the whole love triangle thingy, they've going on is just SO flail-worthy (is that even a word? If not, then I just invented a word!).
The idea of an army of newborn vamps being so much stronger than older ones is just.. I just love it, a-right?
I love that you get to hear more from the wolfpack and their history. I especially love how Rosalie finally gets to utter her opinion on the whole 'Bella-wants-to-be-a-vampire'-matter + we get to hear how she became a vampire in the first place :P
The thing I probably love the most is Jasper's part in the storyline ^^ We always knew he was not changed by Carlisle, but now we actually got to know what happened and we see more Jasper&Alice love <33
Jasper has been my fave of all the characters from the first second he stepped into the cafereria in Twilight. Along with Carlisle :P I've missed some more Jasper action and I finalyt got it. And Jackson Rathbone is so.. Hot! *-* + It's been ages since I heard such an amazing name before!
Also, I ADORE all the jokes! The level of humor in this one is interestingly high and it works! It's a very serious movie, critical time in the life of our babycakes, but still they manage to keep it funny so it doesn't become gloomy and dark. :P - But one thing I'd really have loved: More blood. Not that I love watching blood, I just think it belongs in a vampire movie. Like In "Interview with a vampire" when a vampire is stapped, he or she is pouring blood all over the place.
Anyway! - I should have done this review right away, because now I can hardly remember all the things I wanted to say about it. But I'll go see it again for sure, so I might do an additional review if I come up with something good ^^
Again, I apologize for the lateness of this entry. I'd love to know what you guys think about the movie. Write me a message on twitter or down below :P I'm off.

Clash of the Titans
This Tuesday, I went to the movies. The movie was “Clash of the Titans” a 2010 remake of the movie (of the
same name) from 1981. The film is directed by Louis Leterrier.
I had bought some chocolate and sat down with three friends from school. I had really looked forward to it, because I had heard it was supposed to be a great movie ^^
It’s centered on the legend of Perseus, set in old Greece. It starts with a narration about the three Olympians, Zeus, Poseidon and Hades who battled the Titans a long time ago. Hades provides the means of the defeat of the Titans by creating the Kraken; a horrible monster from the seas.
After the defeat of the Titans, Zeus created the humans and ruled them while Poseidon ruled the seas. But, Hades, being deceived by his brothers, was forced to rule the underworld, getting his strength and immortality through fear from the humans. Poseidon and Zeus keep alive and strong through the devotion and love from the humans. Through prayers.
Millennia later, a fisherman named Spyros finds a coffin adrift in the sea, discovering a baby, Perseus, and his dead mother, Danaë, inside. Spyros decides to raise Perseus as his own.
Years later, Perseus and his family are fishing when they witness a group of soldiers from Argos destroying a statue of Zeus as a declaration of war against the gods. Hades appears and commands harpies to massacre the soldiers before he himself destroys Perseus's family's fishing boat. Perseus tries to save his family, but doesn’t make it.
The surviving soldiers take Perseus back to Argos. During a feast for the returning soldiers King Cepheus and Queen Cassiopeia of Argos compare themselves and their daughter, Andromeda, to the gods much their daughter's dismy.
After convincing his brother to let him loose on humanity to punish Argos for its defiance, Hades appears in the courtroom before killing the remaining soldiers while Perseus is unaffected. Revealing Perseus to be the demigod son of Zeus, and aging Cassiopeia to death, Hades threatens that if Princess Andromeda is not sacrificed to the Kraken, Argos will be destroyed in 10 days.
The king seeks the help of Perseus after he is placed in the dungeon. Perseus initially refuses until he meets Io, a woman who does not age as punishment for refusing to be seduced by a god. Io then reveals his conception was a punishment conducted by Zeus on Acrisius, the former king of Argos who was married to Danaë, for his actions against the gods.
When Acrisius sets Danaë and the baby Perseus adrift in their coffin; an enraged Zeus struck Acrisius with lightning, leaving him hideously disfigured.
After learning that killing the Kraken would allow him to have his revenge against Hades, Perseus accepts as he and Argos' finest soldiers embark on a quest to find the Stygian Witches with a pair of hunters and Io following. To counter this turn of events, Hades enlists Acrisius, now called Calibos, to kill off Perseus by imbuing him with superhuman powers.
It is now up to Perseus to find a way to kill the Kraken and thereby defeating Hades and avenge his family..
I expected it to be a lot like “Percy Jackson and the Olympians” but it turned out quite a bit different. In “Clash of the Titans” it’s not at all modern, which is a thing I’ve always loved in movies. History and religion are very fascinating to me and I always appreciated period pieces as opposed to temporary movies.
Already know I can say I prefer this one to “Percy Jackson”, even though they are both great. “Clash of the Titans” works very well when it comes to special effects. The Kraken looks so real and the nature of Hades is very cleverly made almost realistic. I really can’t see Ralph Fiennes playing ‘the good guy’ anymore. xD
The actors also include Sam Worthington as Perseus, Liam Neeson as Zeus, Mads Mikkelsen as the leader of the army, Draco and Gemma Arterton as Io.
Arterton is beautiful and she delivers the sorrow and knowing characteristic of the woman who is cursed to be beautiful forever.
Mikkelsen is harsh, full of wisdom and comes off as a true warrior, who has trained all his life to obey orders from his king.
The rest is almost not worth mentioning. Sam Worthington did a great job as the marine Jake Sully in “Avatar”, but in this, he is almost not even mediocre. His performance doesn’t add up to the beauty of the visual side or the cast. He is boring and it feels like someone just pulled him out of Pandora, gave him working legs, a costume and changed his name to Perseus.
Liam Neeson is an amazing actor, whom I fell for totally when watching “Love Actually”. He has a certain power in his appearance that comes across great as the highest of the gods. But somehow it just doesn’t work. It doesn’t seem like he’s supposed to be there, like the air is being sucked out of him Oo Not working at all.
The universe itself is a rewriting of the original legend, but if you’re willing to ignore that, the story is very good, interesting, and fast and it has a visual side that’s just amazing.
But it weighs down hard, that even the talent of Ralph Fiennes and Liam Neeson can’t make the Olympus work fully on screen. However it works a lot better in this one compared to “Percy Jackson” in which it just seems comical.
Anyway I really ended up enjoying the night. The creatures are very well made, the story works, it revolves around a subject of my interest, it looks amazing.. Besides the acting, it’s a very good film!
All in all, it makes me want to go home and google Perseus and find out more, which is a must for a movie of this sort, if I’m going to like it. ^^
Have you watched it? Or are you planning on doing it?
You should, I really enjoyed it ^^
What do you think? :D