Jo Rowling in Denmark!
I'm just going to post it like I wrote it because I'm too lazy to change it xD
Here goes:

Hello everyone! I am back from a lot of weeks of silence! Honestly I don’t have anything clever to say to excuse it, so I am not going to dwell more on that. There are more important things to talk about :D
First of all, I need to talk about how I got there. It was in Odense, which means I had to take the train at 5 am >.< Which of course resulted in me not sleeping at all.
The whole thing started to get me nervous because I needed to get money and no banks opened before 5 am. So I needed to hurry like hell to make it to the train leaving Aalborg at 5.17. So I did, and found out my pack of fags were gone -.-
After suffering through 3 hours in a train with no air or fags I finally stepped off in Odense. It’s been about 2 years since I was in Odense last time. Back when I was just dumped by the person I thought was the love of my life.
Anyway, to begin with both Mia Malene and I were totally paranoid expecting our exes to show up at any minute. But of course neither did.
We found the building where Jo was supposed to receive the H.C Andersen literature award and got in line. Not very long after that, the doors opened and we quickly found our seats in the concert-room where we waited for the program to start.
The Odense Symphony Orchestra played two pieces, one of them being the most famous piece from the Harry Potter movies, Hedwig’s Theme ^^ It was beautiful, I get goosebumbs just thinking about it!
After two speeches, the new Princess of Denmark, Princess Marie, presented the award to Jo. It was such a surreal moment to hear everyone in the room yell and give her a standing ovation just for entering the room! When she was there, I couldn’t take my eyes off her, I couldn’t believe she was right down there!
During her acceptance speech, my camera died because I forgot to charge the batteries -.- Luckily MM had hers with her too and she snapped a lot of great photos :D
When she was done with her speech we all gave her a standing ovation again and I could tell she was touched. I don’t think she expected a reaction like that at all!
After the ‘show’ we waited outside for her to come out and when she did, a few lucky people got their books signed before she got into a car and left for the city hall. She must have made another stop between those two, because we ran all the way up there and we still had to wait for a long time before she showed up.
By then I had secured myself a great spot and even though I wasn’t in the front row, I still managed to snatch an autograph!
That just saved my day :D I still can’t believe it.
After the whole shebang, we were both completely beat. We went to McDonald’s and MM took a train home after that. I however had to walk all the way back to the city hall almost to be able to find a machine that would allow me to get money for my ticket. x_x
Then I bought my tickets and went to the platform. I am in the train still, waiting to get an internet connection again.
That’s all for now.
Ps: When I get home, I’m going straight to bed!