'Eclipse' ^^
Hello every single one of my lovely stalkers! ^^
This time, I'm going to use the space on my blog to review the most recent movie I went to the cinema to see ^^ 'Eclipse' premiered on the June 30th and the same night I went to watch it on my own. :P I know this sounds like a bad excuse for being single, but I actually really enjoy going alone to the movies xD
Moving on, this movie is AMAZING!
By far the best in the series! The storyline is much more natural, nothing seems forced. It doesn't seem like the threat on Bella's life is just put in there, because it has to be there or fill out space. - Like it did to me in the first movie. In the second, I was just bored out of my mind ._.
First of all, the whole love triangle thingy, they've going on is just SO flail-worthy (is that even a word? If not, then I just invented a word!).
The idea of an army of newborn vamps being so much stronger than older ones is just.. I just love it, a-right?
I love that you get to hear more from the wolfpack and their history. I especially love how Rosalie finally gets to utter her opinion on the whole 'Bella-wants-to-be-a-vampire'-matter + we get to hear how she became a vampire in the first place :P
The thing I probably love the most is Jasper's part in the storyline ^^ We always knew he was not changed by Carlisle, but now we actually got to know what happened and we see more Jasper&Alice love <33
Jasper has been my fave of all the characters from the first second he stepped into the cafereria in Twilight. Along with Carlisle :P I've missed some more Jasper action and I finalyt got it. And Jackson Rathbone is so.. Hot! *-* + It's been ages since I heard such an amazing name before!
Also, I ADORE all the jokes! The level of humor in this one is interestingly high and it works! It's a very serious movie, critical time in the life of our babycakes, but still they manage to keep it funny so it doesn't become gloomy and dark. :P - But one thing I'd really have loved: More blood. Not that I love watching blood, I just think it belongs in a vampire movie. Like In "Interview with a vampire" when a vampire is stapped, he or she is pouring blood all over the place.
Anyway! - I should have done this review right away, because now I can hardly remember all the things I wanted to say about it. But I'll go see it again for sure, so I might do an additional review if I come up with something good ^^
Again, I apologize for the lateness of this entry. I'd love to know what you guys think about the movie. Write me a message on twitter or down below :P I'm off.
