London; Tuesday

Tuesday we had proclaimed to be SHOPPING MADNESS-day; we were going to Oxford Street for the day. :D
But first we decided to check out Camden Town and Market just to see what they had. I believe we spent about 2 hours there. There’s so much to look at and the atmosphere is great. – The smell of Chinese food mixed with incense is enough to create the best market feeling alone.
I bought a t-shirt in the shop behind Mia on the picture :P – After this picture was taken, we left and took the Underground in to the infamous Oxford Street. And DAMN, that street’s long!
I mean.. It must have taken us hours just to get through it just once. And we actually hardly entered a store o_o We went to Starbucks because it was there and when we got hungry we took over McDonald’s where MM raped the internet, finally making it possible for us to contact the rest of the world for the first time since we left Danish soil.
It is weird not having an internet connection o.o I found out how addicted I am to my phone and twitter in particular. Countless times I caught myself saying “Oh I really want to tweet that” -.-
After the shopping spree we went to see London Eye and Big Ben:
(The final three pics are taken by MiaMalene <3)