Never Say Never 3D *___*
Look what I just got!!
Unfortunately, I'm going alone - But I'm so excited!!
Will post a review later <33

Boots from Venini; 99,95,-
Jacket from H&M; 249,95,-
Presents from; ?
The Countdown Continues

Hello, everyone!
The job situation is not improving, but then again why would it? It’s only been two days since I posted the last update. I’m obviously counting the days until I’m done – Today we’re at 14 days left of work.
Today wasn’t a good day. I ended up sleeping in because I forgot to set my alarm last night, so I was up 3 hours late. Immediately I was thinking about excuses of why I would not be at work, but I decided that I had to go.
So I had a quick shower and left for the bus a little before 12 o’clock. – On the way there, I met daddy x_x Not cool, but I just told him that I slept in and he didn’t ask questions.
I was in town at 12.30 which is too late. I bought some breakfast and soda and by the time I was ready to actually go to work, it was past 13.00. Meaning that it would be too late for me to say “I overslept,” so I had the idea of just calling later and saying I’d explain tomorrow.
So I went shopping for presents. I have a friend whose birthday was a few months ago and one whose birthday is coming up and they both deserve awesome presents <3
The thing is, it’s hurting your mood to not feel happy and to feel unimportant. I don’t like it and today I just couldn’t deal with it, it’s been such a long week already and I just needed so badly to sleep, you have no idea. I haven’t slept properly in nearly a week, I’m SOOOO looking forward to this weekend *-*
As the frequent readers of my blog will know, I have been struggling with depression for the past couple of years I’ve been put on pills.
But I did so well suddenly and that’s why I decided I wanted to get back out in to the real world; which went well in the beginning – But now I’m getting sick of it and sad again. I have no energy when I get home which makes it impossible for me to sit down and write applications for other jobs.
Actually it just makes it impossible to do anything but watch TV and sleep once I get off DD:
Lately I’ve been taken off some of the pills, but now I have problems sleeping again and it freaks me out. I’m nervous that my depression is getting slightly worse again and that I’m suddenly not really ready to get back at work x_x
But I think it’s because I have this suspicion – I’ll need to have that checked asap.
For now I’ll do my best to finish these 13 weeks properly – Then I can deal with that shit afterwards.
Countdown *-*

Job Update

I just wanted to give you all an update on my job/internship. I’ve been working in the bookstore for a good 10 weeks now and I might as well admit it; I’m sick as hell of it.
In the beginning I was really nervous – I was just so scared that I’d fuck up and embarrass myself. But I made it through the first weeks without major mess ups. It went better than I feared it would. It’s been tough on my poor body, especially my back and feet, but it’s been better the last weeks of course xD
Actually I like the job in itself. I like having to help people finding the things they need, talking to them, looking at thge books, ‘playing store’ at the counter.. I even like wrapping books now DD:
That’s not the problem.
The problem is the others out there. In the beginning I figured “It’s normal, they need to get to know me and then we’ll talk properly,” – In the middle part I was so happy to be doing well, that I hardly thought about what they thought of me.
But now it’s really bugging me that they STILL don’t treat me like an equal. They talk and laugh and have great talks with fun... Just not with me included.
I’m not part of the staff and that’s even though I’ve been there for over 2 months O_o They should trust me and know me by now. I don’t even know how old they are or where they live O_O I know one of them studies to be a social worker and another is studying English. The rest.. I have no clue of anything besides their first name and an age of one of the others.
I also know that this person once lived in China for a few years and taught English at a Chinese school – And that he’s married and has a son o.o
That’s it O_O Seriously!
They know almost anything about me if they listened when we speak. They ask me questions, but once I answer them they give me nothing back about themselves.
I like two of them and even them I know nothing about. Except that one of them doesn’t own a TV – Woo, massive info!
And I’m completely convinced they only think that I’m lazy and I can’t work properly. They have the impression that I complain about anything and that I’m in pain constantly. -.-
I don’t want to seem like that, but I know I do. But I’m really not like that D: I’m just not as strong as them, I can’t carry 12 books without falling with them or worse -.- And I might be slow at getting the details of being at the counter but I’m there to learn and I WANT to!
Just not when they’re like this.. I can't wait for this to be over x_x I don't feel good at all there and all I want is for the final days to be over..
Thankfully I’m only counting DAYS until that’s over *_*
Shopping on the Final day:

London; Thursday

The last day in London was strange.
Like Wednesday we got up fairly early to eat breakfast and then went right back to bed. I felt like I had been out partying all night – My ears were ringing and my head hurt like hell. Both of us were so drained.
Getting up for the second time, we had decided to stay in Croydon again, because it would be stupid to take the trip to the London Terminals twice in one day. – So we stayed near the hotel, spending the last money and relaxed trying to say goodbye to everything.
Again, we went back to the hotel early to pack the final things and make sure everything was alright in the room before we left to take the trains to Stansted Airport where we had to spend the next 6 hours.
The reason for this is at Expedia’s expense. They had planned for us to fly home at 7.15 in the morning, forcing us to be at the check-in at 5.
And the first train from downtown would be at the airport at 5.00. Both of us were pretty confident we would not make that, so we had decided to get there on the last train Thursday and wait it out at one of the benches.
We weren’t the only ones, but it was seriously not something I can recommend. The night before we were flying over there, we hadn’t slept either and this time we wouldn’t get any sleep either. I tried to read but it was rather difficult seeing as I was falling asleep every 5th minute.
But when we got rid of our suitcases and could go to the shops, it helped on staying awake. And time seemed to pass by faster because there was more to look at. Mia spent the final pounds in the shops and then we finally got to proceed to the gate and on board. .
It feels like London was just a dream. Like I missed it so much I imagined it all. The only things reminding me it’s real are the pictures and the Justin Bieber ticket I have on my board in the kitchen.
I can’t believe I’ve seen him live and that I actually went on the trip
I already really truly miss London so badly.
Both of us had been looking forward to this for ages and now it’s over s:
This was definitely not the last time I’m in the capital <3
I’ll be back, London!
Shopping on Day 4: Bieber's Girl

Yes, I went there..!

London; Wednesday ~ Concert Day!!

The day finally got here!!
We had both been looking forward to it for weeks but none of us actually understood it fully. It’s always like that when I go to a concert. For instance I barely realized I’ve been at an Adam Lambert concert yet – That was in November o.o
Anyway: Wednesday we got up early, had breakfast and actually went to bed again xD We had agreed to not take the train to London that day until we were due to go to the concert. (It was insanely expensive!)
We spent the afternoon walking around in Croydon, which turned out to be a lot bigger than I figured to begin with. The weather was really with us, we barely needed jackets most of the time. – After buying a few stuff we returned to the hotel to get ready.
The concert took place in this lovely place:
The O2 Arena is huge!! The waiting room alone is about 100 times bigger than I thought it would be. And I don’t know why, because I was told the arena holds over 20.000 people when there aren’t seats on the floor O_O
I would just like to point out, that I have never ever been to a concert where I was required to let my bag go through a scanner before barely entering the waiting room DD:
They really wanted to make sure I wasn’t bringing a huge knife or gun or something *sigh*
Here’s another thing: The room was PACKED to the breaking point with girls and parents – Not quite but it was damn close.
And said girls decided to scream every time they saw something on the balconies remotely looking like J. Biebs. -.-‘
There was a time where a bunch of girls screamed and I got up to see what was going on. Suddenly a LOAD of girls nearly ran me down because someone entered through the room with security people. And it seemed like everyone thought it was Justin - Yeah, because he of all people is stupid enough to walk through a pile of his fans. -.-
I mean: His fans are even crazier than Tokio Hotel’s are O_O
Then after almost two hours waiting for the queue to shrink, we finally got in the actual queue to get inside. MM had bought the tickets on e-bay and as we moved closer to the check, we grew more and more nervous. If they’d been fake I would have made a scene, I promise.
But they were real!! *flails*
When we entered the arena Willow was on stage singing her first song. I was just completely taken aback by the size of the room and by the amount of people. They were sitting down right up to underneath the roof:
Getting on stage about 15 minutes after Willow, Justin just owned it. He looked amazing and even though I suspect him of playback in the first song, I still think he delivered a great show and had me rocking along :P
This time I actually took pictures, but my camera died halfway through Never Say Never so I had to rely on MM to take great photos. – Which of course she did :D
I was really impressed with how much control he has over the crowd. I knew he would be able to make them sing along and stuff but this was just beyond that. He only had to look down on our side and every girl – Me included – went mad screaming their lungs out.
I blankly admit it, I have never ever screamed that loud before. And the noise.. Never in my 23 years on earth have I witnessed more noise being made at once. – Considering we were about 15-20.000 people in there - half of them should be parents – that much noise is pretty incredible o_O
I even cried. The only thing I actually regretted was that I didn’t make her tape my favourite song. But as soon as I realized ‘That Should Be Me’ was next, I broke down crying immediately. I would have told her to record it, but I think I was unable to speak at that point o.o And I didn’t want her to see me crying. [I have a history of crying at weird times o.o]
He danced, sang, put on a show, introduced band, dancers and backup singers and he had videos on the big screens. He even had the crowd filmed and put up on those screens from time to time. And never, not even once did I think ‘Oh god, please finish, I want to get out of here’ – Like I usually do at any concert I attend.
Not because they’re bad, but because usually I have been standing up for hours and I’ve been stressing about that show all day. None of that was the case here. Because we never sat down in a queue outside, we had numbered seats so no one got pushed.
I was told his set list was really long, but I honestly never noticed it *-* suddenly he was just playing the last song for the night and the lights were turned back on.
All in all, Justin is an amazing performer, I’ll tell you that. Seeing as both MM and I left with massive cases of the Bieber Fever, we interpreted that as a huge success on his behalf.
Shopping on day 3:

Final picture:
I loved this, but I forgot it in a dressingroom in Primark the next day x_x

A touch of America for dinner

London; Tuesday

Tuesday we had proclaimed to be SHOPPING MADNESS-day; we were going to Oxford Street for the day. :D
But first we decided to check out Camden Town and Market just to see what they had. I believe we spent about 2 hours there. There’s so much to look at and the atmosphere is great. – The smell of Chinese food mixed with incense is enough to create the best market feeling alone.
I bought a t-shirt in the shop behind Mia on the picture :P – After this picture was taken, we left and took the Underground in to the infamous Oxford Street. And DAMN, that street’s long!
I mean.. It must have taken us hours just to get through it just once. And we actually hardly entered a store o_o We went to Starbucks because it was there and when we got hungry we took over McDonald’s where MM raped the internet, finally making it possible for us to contact the rest of the world for the first time since we left Danish soil.
It is weird not having an internet connection o.o I found out how addicted I am to my phone and twitter in particular. Countless times I caught myself saying “Oh I really want to tweet that” -.-
After the shopping spree we went to see London Eye and Big Ben:
(The final three pics are taken by MiaMalene <3)
x-factor, Denmark 2011 ~ Winner
Presenting herself with her first single, Sarah!
Nuff said, she was my favourite from the second she stepped onto that auditionstage :D
Purchases on day 2!

London; Monday

After sleeping for like an eternity we got up and both were more or less ready to take in the capital. We took the train to London Bridge Station and walked a while until we actually found the bridge – For calling it “London Bridge Station” you’d think they put them close together, right? –
But we found it in the end as you can see ;D We also saw Tower of London and the Tower store where I fell in love with this gorgeous necklace, but since it was £ 20 I didn’t buy it. ):
Anyway: After buying a soda we sat down on a bench by the Thames to enjoy the sun and relax for a while. The weather was absolutely perfect, I really needed a pair of sunglasses :P
Seeing as both of us are huge Harry Potter fans, we wanted to see the place where the magic begins – Kings Cross Station platforms 9-10.
But that plan sort of fell apart when we remembered that we had to pay for a trip to even be allowed access to the platforms. Both of us were disappointed, but Mia Malene snapped a pic of the sign just to prove we were there:
After that we went to a mall-type thingy and I bought two books. Then we got on a train, got some food and went back to the hotel for the rest of the day.
Baby, Baby, Baby, oooh! <3

Used to think he was really arrogant,
this proves me wrong:
London; Sunday

The entire trip to London was amazing, but you all should know what happened to make it so amazing :D
Last Saturday I spent all day inside a train getting to Mia Malene’s house where I was staying before takeoff to the airport the next morning. We had been awake all night because we both knew it would be stupid to go to bed for only a few hours. So when it was 6 o’clock and we finally had to drive to the station, both of us were more or less like Zombies xD
But anyway: We landed in London about noon – London time – And quickly we got our bags. The tricky part came when we had to figure out the underground and trains. Meaning it took the best part of 5 hours to get from Stansted to the hotel.
Originally we planned to take a walk in Croydon – The town we lived in – but both of us were so beat we just stayed in the room and collapsed in to sleep as soon as we went to bed.
Back from LONDON!
Have been for over a week now actually o.o I feel so bad for not blogging about it, since I talked about nothing but how much I missed being able to blog while being over there -.-
Anyway; Home now. I don't like it. I want to get back, I miss the atmosphere, the weather, the speech, the stores, the architecture, the hotel beds, Justin, everything.. - Being over there was like pure Wonderland, it feels so.. ordinary coming home having to get back to work after a week of pure joy D:
Yes I do love London that much!


Final post of the day :D
When you read this I’ll be at MiaMalene’s house, relaxing. Today I have been on the move all day long making preparations and cleaning - And of course being inside this moving tube taking me from one end of the country to the other.
The reason why all this is going on Is because tomorrow I’m going to LONDON, baby!! I’ve been so excited for weeks, I can’t believe it’s tomorrow *____*
We’ll be leaving quite early, because of the check in. We need to be checked in two hours earlier and before that we need to have an emergency passport made for me. For some reason I’m stupid, so I checked my passport too late. Now it’s expired so I’ll need a new one for the trip. Which is going to cost me 700 DKK x_x
Anyway! We’re leaving tomorrow, when you hear from me again, I’ll be an hour behind and saying excuse me constantly xD <3

Burial :(
This blog is about something very sad. My grandmother died the February 25th. She was 81 years old and it seemed like she would be here always. I know I wasn’t the one closest to her, but I was still very upset when I heard.
It was my father who told me just as I was about to go to work Friday morning. And I immediately went to work and told them how I felt and what had happened and my boss sent me home to spend the day with my family.
Then Wednesday the 2nd of March she was to be buried. We all went to the chapel and every last one of us was affected by it. My grandmother was the oldest generation, she’s connected to all of us and if it wasn’t for her none of us would be here.
The ceremony was so beautiful, the priest is so good at putting himself in the situation where he speaks from his own heart and he makes people listen. He didn’t make it tacky or anything. It didn’t seem like he just stood there talking about some random old woman he never knew. It felt like he knew her, which he probably did, cause she knew everyone <3
I was really nervous about the funeral because I was certain I would bawl my eyes out. – I did cry but not as hard as I feared I would. It wasn’t unbearable and when we met at my aunt’s house afterwards we actually had a nice time and laughed a bit. That’s what she wanted. <3
Rest in peace, Nan – I love you ^.^
Tokio revisited *_*

Hello everyone!
I know I’ve been insanely inactive lately – I have lots to write but I never seemed to pull myself together to do it. SO: expect a few posts now!
First of all, we passed the year mark of the Tokio Hotel concert in Forum, Copenhagen. What a crazy thought, I can’t believe it’s already been a year O_O
It was an amazing concert, it was so worth the sickness and cold we endured before and after xD
The atmosphere was incredible, I’ll be the first to admit I screamed like mad :P
I’m so in love with this band and it’s even more when they’re performing right in front of me. <3
We were on the front row and even though Forum refused to listen to the us when we told them what would be the best way to let the fans inside, we still managed to get a pretty good spot ;D
Ah the memories ^.^