New look ^^

I'm just here for a short shoutout to one of my best friends Marie <3
She made sure my blog is now fresh and new. It now puts a smile on my face every time I enter it ^^ So thank you baby <3 I'm so happy with it!!

Monday = Vlog xD
Vlog Monday // Mandag: Jeg er synsk ö
Tiny update : :
5girlsDK Mandag // Monday!
CrazyCherries: Was hat Sie Getaget!?!
No words are really needed. Randomness in it's best form!
5girlsDK Mandag // Monday ~ Ich kann das nicht laufen!
Hello everyone!
For all interested in watching, here is this week's vlog.
~ The beach ~
Hi guys and dolls :P
This time I don’t want to talk as much, I just want to show you some pics from when Emma and I went to the beach yesterday evening ^^
5GirlsDK Mandag // Monday
Monday's vlog.
New hair! ~ More or less =D
Right so.. While I was with Marie we bought another round of bleach and put it in. It turned out kind of blonde/orange since it was red before. But I actually really like it ^^ Just wanted to show you the pictures and ask you what you think :D
I can’t wait for it to be blonde all the way through :P And I’m considering having my hair cut short with a sidecut as well. I really want to have it short for the summer and I never had a sidecut, so I’m kind of excited to try that :D I was thinking about something like Lene Nystrøm had in the “My Momma Said”-video :D What do you think?
Sorting out the confusion.
Hello all my stalkers :P
Now it’s time to finally explain what’s going on in my life. It’s kept me from my usual activities and most of all my family. Of course.
I mentioned in an earlier post, that my mother had met someone else and was going to leave my father. Then the next day everything was okay; though I knew it wasn’t going to last. Then Friday the 18th of June, my mother decided to tell dad that she couldn’t forget the other man and that she wanted to leave him. Then he broke down and I was left with this enormous need to just leave. Get far away and have some time to think things through and breathe.
So I arranged with Marie that I could take the train to Copenhagen the next morning. So I did and I got to smoke a bit, since I was stressed o.o Anyway, the next day, I woke up to a text from my younger sister saying “Call me when you wake up” – So I did, and she was all blaming me for everything it seemed. She was saying, that I needed to come home and that I was selfish and mean for just leaving when daddy needed us. -.-
But I hung up on her xD
During the next days, every member of my family tried to get a hold of me, but none of them succeeded. Marie almost had a fight with Kathleen, while I was sitting right next to her. I laughed.
Then a few days ago my father called me and somehow he seemed to think that I disowned them and never wanted to see them again. Even though that was now at all what I said.
I got to talk to my oldest sister and my brother in law two days ago and I think I’ll be able to count on Camilla for support when I have to face Kathleen and my parents.
I’m on my way home right now. None of them know. I need to go to school for a few minutes, then I can go home and be myself for a few days. Saturday my nephew turns 5 so I’ll have to face all of them at once -.- But I know what to say, so I’ll be fine ^^
I’m just curious to see how things are at home. If mum and dad still live together, if they are even speaking, how they’ll react when they have to pretend everyting’s okay on Saturday and what they’ll say to me when I come home o.o
I’ll have to get back to you with that!
Baibai for nau.
5girlsDK Mandag // Monday's Vlog.
Ello all my lovely readers ^^
Today I'm rather happy and satisfied with my video and the level of possitivity :D I think I look much better and.. Well, healthy :P (In lack of a better word) So, for the Danish speaking readers, I give you this week's vlog:
Since I'm going home tomorrow morning, I'll be having about 4 hours to kill, so I'll use it to blog about all the crap that's been going on for the past two weeks xD
I'm off nau ~ Baibai!
5girlsDK Mandag // 2nd Monday
It seems like forever since I posted that I had recorded the first video for 5girlsDK - Even though it's only a week ago o.O So much has happened in that week. I'll write about it in a blog later. For the Danish speaking readers, I hereby give you my second vlog as one of 5girlsDK:
I'm so sorry for the negativity, but it seems like it's necessary this time.
I hope you guys have a better day than I did. - Baibai
Emu-campie <3
Alright so.. I’ve promised you all a blog about my ESC week, and now it’s too late, it’s almost stupid to make one, but now I have the time, since right now I’m on the train to Copenhagen and I have nothing to do but write blogs at the moment =D Anyway, I’ll begin with the day Marie came:
We were going to watch the semis of the Eurovision Song Contest, both semis and of course the final. Especially because we heard we were favorites to actually win the whole thing.
The only problem was; that my TV decided to die on us, right when they announced who went through to the final from the first semi. So the last 4 or something would remain a surprise to us.
The next day we went downtown to buy some bleach for my hair and Marie dyed it. It was supposed to be blonde, but it only turned out more orange/red and blonde in the roots. Now it looks horrible xD (working on figuring out if I can get all the dye out and just bleach it once)
The second semi final was really exciting, since DK was in that one. And of course we were the last country to get announced -.- Still, we made it and though the TV really wanted to give up, we made it happen until the end of the show. (Or Marie did)
Friday, Emma came by the bus and I was in town to pick her up ^^ At the bus station there was a band playing and Emma actually recorded them playing “Bad Romance” by Gaga <3 I don’t know if she posted it on her own blog, but it’s really good :D
Saturday we made cupcakes and got champagne and ice cream. We had it all lined up for the great victory, and then everyone decide to lose their musical minds and vote Germany the winners o.O Don’t get me wrong, I love Germany, but their song SUCKED O_O
Pictures on my tumblr ^^
So we stayed up all night singing “OPA!!” by Greece. And then we took the bus into town where I dropped off the girls and went home <3
Thanks for a great week, babes ^^
x Sudden death x
.: Sudden death :.
So.. Yesterday I posted a sort of angry blog here about my parents. I said my mother had said she wanted a divorce, because she had fallen for someone else..
And I also said that the next day (Tuesday, this week) that everything seemed fine between them.
But today, when I came to visit my sister, niece and nephew, after coming home from a little holiday, she told me that my younger sister had spoken to daddy earlier and that mum had changed her mind. – He was in a terrible state, and my sister didn’t know what to do.
Later she came to join us for dinner and the very second we step inside the door after getting the food, dad called Camilla. He needed to talk to Kathleen and she went immediately. When she came back, her food had gotten cold and she was almost crying. She said that mum had told them she couldn’t forget about the new guy and that she had regretted the decision to stay with dad. He was such a mess, I haven’t ever seen him like that..
Then when I got home, I talked to Marie, who kindly offered me to come and stay with her from tomorrow instead of having to wait 2 weeks. I know it’s probably cowardly and wrong to leave but I can’t think of anything else to do. If I stay I’ll feel obligated to go over there, which I know nothing good will come out of. I was implicated enough the night she told him in the first place.
I can’t stay even though I feel so sorry, that I have to leave just before my niece’s birthday. But I’ll buy her a nice present and I’ll hope she can forgive me <3
So in about three hours, I’ll leave with the bus to the train station and taking the train to Copenhagen at 6.17 and Marie will pick me up there before noon. Thank you again, hunnie <33
Being my parent.
Being my parent is a weird job. It contains being arrogant, stubborn, narrow-minded, childish and arrogant. In short, that is. I don’t want to go and make this an ultra long post, so I’ll do it in short.
Being my parent = Only thinking about yourself and how you feel. Not being close with your own children, not understanding them, being constantly aware of other people’s view on you and wanting to change your children to be what you want them to be.
It equals not listening, not making your children feel like they can come to you with anything, because if they do, they’ll get judged and looked down upon.
Being my parent means acting like you’re better than anyone else and hiding every tiny thing, that might make people think otherwise. It means raising your kids poorly and never talking to them, making them feel not safe and insecure about themselves.. It means being inconsiderate and embarrassed about your daughter being different.
It means that you think you can dumb everything on your child, when you’re not even there for them. It means trying to project the feeling of being one big happy family when in reality, some people even feel left out and unwanted.
It means shutting up when there’s a problem in your marriage, then going to a party, finding someone else, falling head over heels, wait two days, then tell your husband and call your youngest daughter. Then making her sit and listen to her father talking about being trashed and his whole life being torn apart, and her mum talking about how in love she is..
It means that you have the arrogance to just sit and say your life is ended without having anything left for your three daughters, who’ll love and support you no matter what. It means starting to yell at Christmas Eve, making your wife cry, your daughter want to leave and ruining all evening.
And finally it means after a big problem, we just don’t talk about it anymore. It means apparently forgetting everything, and not listening to your family and the problems there are within it -.-
Felicita's Acadamy
Hello everybody :D
Well, I just thought I'd take this opportunity to bring some attention to something I adore doing and have spend countless hours on this site ^^
I love writing, which I can do fully here:
Felicita's Acadamy
It's a website designed to roleplay in. And not necesarilly the dirty kind xD We play everything you can imagine (of course it has to fit in to the 'world' but pretty much everything is allowed)
There are certain rules, that you'll read when you make a profile and you can order a siggy from the owner who is my good friend Nettøh.
- You can read all about the 'story', the rules, how you submit a character and everything else you need to know to get started ^^
Currently I have 3 characters; Thomas Adler, Berry Blue and Teresa Zanetti :D I just submitted Teresa today so I haven't played with her yet (gonna do that after this is posted :P)
I have so much fun on this site, cause there's also a forum just for spamming and talking regulary about anything. ^^
Anyway; Feel free to make a profile, we need more players ö <33

"Canni" <33
Hii gaaijs :D
Right, so I have been thinking about writing a post about the whole ESC week. I'll do that next time, for now I'll just show write a quick post ^^
TODAY I GOT MY FIRST TATTOO!!! *flails, throws flags and eats ice cream*
It hurt like hell, but it's so worth it :D
A guy called Patryk came to finish two on Brian and he did my cute little nickname on my wrist :D <3
I totally LOVE it! And it only cost me 100 DKK :P
In the picture it's all fresh and my skin is swollen + some of the extra color is still not washed off. But I like the way you can see it's all new :D
I'm already hooked!
I need to have another one as soon as I get some money :D
Then I'll get something to make this one bigger and more lushious.
I think the next one I'll get is going to be at the same time as Marie gets her next :D
We're going to get our signs of the Zodiac ^^ It's gonna be so pretty :D I just need to find out where I want it *wonders*
I'll go do that, then you can go be jealous of this one *giggles*
Another pic!
I just realized that I haven't posted any pics of me as a kid besides that one. And I promised you so:
Here I am!
It's my 5th birthday in kindergarden.
So, I'm off again.
Kitties <3
Okay, so I have something I really want to talk about. Ever since I was a child, we had cats. I don’t remember exactly how old I was when we got the first kitten.
Her name was Frecia and she’s a Maine Coon cat. She was a very rare kind of cat because of the color of her fur. She was the most beautiful and loving cat ever. And I was crushed when mum called and told me they had to put her to sleep. :’(
Then I got Icey. She’s mine, cause I’m listed as her owner on her papers :P Her real name is Sarafinas Ice Blue Tara but we’ve just called her Icey ever since we got her. I love her so much and I’m so sad I couldn’t take her with me when I moved in to my own apartment. Here's a picture of her as a kitten <3
This also goes for Meghan. She looks like a kitten, but she’s about 3 years old. She’s too small for having kittens, which is why we don’t breed anymore, unfortunately s: If we could, then I’d for sure get one of the kittens!
Meghan’s real name is American Pie. I can’t remember the original name of the breed. Every owner, who breeds cats have a name to put in front of the name of each sold kitten. – Icey’s is Sarafina, Frecia’s was Santos and I can’t remember Meghan’s. I think it’s Løvehulen [The Lion Cave].
I've always loved cats! <33 And now all I can think about is how I can make my landlords allow me to get one. The problem is, I already asked and they said no. So I spent most of my time hoping for my neighbour's cat Pjuske to come and visit. She almost always does and when she's not here, I feel alone.
Do anyone have any ideas how to convince them to give me permission? ö Please, I'm desperate here!!