Robin Hood

I admit it! I’m a huge sucker for this show. It’s one of those shows where you keep getting surprised and pulled in to what the characters feel and want :D
It’s a 3 season show about the famous legend of Robin Hood and his gang of outlaws living in Sherwood Forest fighting for justice and King Richard while he is away on the crusades.
While he is gone, the sheriff of Nottingham is on a mission of get all the money from the peasants to make himself richer.
Robin finds himself in charge of the gang and on the mission of stealing the money from the sheriff and returns them to the poor.
But you all know that xD
I love this modern new take on the legend, with great actors and a storyline that never gets old :P I have nothing else to say except: Watch it!
I laughed, felt for them, got pulled in and even cried my eyes out in each of the season finales! And it’s only better that this version’s Robin is Jonas Armstrong *_* No secret I have a huge crush on that dude!
The only thing I don’t like is that it’s that short. I hoped for at least 3 more seasons, but sadly it only became 3 /: It ends perfectly; I just wanted more when I finished it!

This will be the second time I’m there and I can only say; I’m DYING to go!
The first time was with my old class and I got lost in Hyde Park O_o Not going to let that happen again, for sure!
I’m going with my amazing friend MiaMalene ^.^ We’re leaving on March 13th and staying there for six days in total :D Including a nice little concert with someone you might know:
Block One, baby!
It means were going to sit in the front almost :D I’m so excited, because I was really bummed when I found out I couldn’t go to his concert in Herning, but I have to say, this is so much better!! <3
Apart from the concert and sightseeing, we’re of course going to shop till we drop on Oxford Street! :D And we’ll be spending our nights here:
Seems great, doesn’t it? :D I so can’t wait! London is one of my favourite places on Earth and I’ve really missed it, so it’s amazing to go there again :D <33
New Job!
It’s been a very long week, only because I started a new job. It’s an internship and I’m supposed to be there 12 more weeks :P I work 5 hours a day in a book shop in the middle of Aalborg xD
It’s really tough to carry all those books and unpack new books all day long. My favourite part is being at the counter and interact with people :D I’m happy-ish about it, because it will be very good for my chances to get a real job in a bookshop after the 12 weeks xD
But it’s really a long week when it’s the first time in over 2 years I’ve been working/going to school ö Of course it will be better when I get more used to the daily routines and of course when the huge sale is over :P
Baking supplies :P
I also got the bags for the butter cream :D

Friday I'll get a new baking book, that Mum bought me :D
I think the entire family likes the habit I took up xD <3

Chocolate/orange cupcakes ^.^
This one is from yesterday too, when I made chocolate/orange cupcakes with buttercream and smarties as decorations :P

The butter cream is made in two different colors, just because I couldn't resist :P
The recipe is in one of my books. And I just added the orange, because I'm awesome like that d;

Chocolate- müslicakes :D

They taste like a small piece of heaven, but I can't eat more than two when I eat them. Because I used dark chocolate even though the recipe says to use white or milkchocolate. :P
The recipe:
125 g white/milk chocolate
25 g of butter
225 g fruit and nut-müsli
You start by melting the butter in a bowl along with the chocolate (We used their microwave but also you can do it in a bowl over a pot with a little boiling water in it)
Then when it's melted, you pour in the müsli and use a spoon to stir and walk it in to a mass that's nice. Then you basically just place a small amount of the mix on a plate with some thin paper or in the mini-muffin shaped thingies you can buy.
If you want to, you can also decorate them with an m&m or smartie on top like we did. Afterwards you just put them in the fridge and let them stiffen up.
Done :D
You should make them one time, they're really good ^.^

Baking at home :D

And with topping:

Even though it doesn't look like buttercream, it is. With blue color and I decorated them with banana and sliced orange chocolate.
They were so tasty!! *-*

Highlights 2010

Just because I’m awesome like that, my blog of course also needs a highlight post :D
Judging from my blog posts through the year, 2010 started out roughly so the first real highlight is as late as March 1. Or a few days before. Because those were the days I spent in front of Forum waiting in line for my favourite band’s first concert in Denmark:
Unfortunately I have no pictures from the actual concert. I spent too much time screaming, I didn’t have enough sense to record of capture anything ö But it was such a great experience!
The 5 days I spent in line were long, cold and so amazing. It was half the experience alone, just being there with all my friends and meeting new people :D Thank you to everyone who shared this experience with me <3
In February, I also had a very special visitor :D Yes, Lisa it’s you! And now it’s almost an entire year since I saw her. I miss her so much. But I need to thank you too for a great week full of smiles ^,^
In general I just spent a lot of time with my friends, I went to visit Marie, Jeanette, MiaMalene, Thea and Emma :P And I played host to Lisa, Marie and Emma during the year :D
The video from above is showing me and my lovely Twinsie while we were on holiday in Blåvand in the summer ^.^
2010 also became the year where I got my first tattoo ever! It’s on my wrist and I still love it so much :P
A few months later, I supplied with one on my wrist, showing one of my biggest loves, cupcakes!:
This next thing, I wouldn’t exactly categorize as a ‘highlight’ but it shaped my year. In June my mum dropped a bomb on all of us. She wanted a divorce, because she met another man. So she left daddy and moved in with her new boyfriend. The house was put on the market and daddy’s mood dropped like you wouldn’t believe.
Today he’s doing better, but not much. He’s on pills as well and even though he needs to, he’s not talking to anyone professional about it.
I was so nervous this Christmas; I was afraid he’d make a huge scene and get drunk but he didn’t actually. We had a lovely time that night ^.^
During this year I also had a wonderful experience! I met my other biggest idol! Yes, I met Mrs Jo Rowling in Odense this year! I got her autograph and saw her so many times that day :D So huge!
Also talking about Happy Potter, in November “The Deathly Hallows – Part 1” premiered *-* I went to the showing at midnight and I so wasn’t disappointed! It’s amazing! – In my earlier blogs, you’ll find a more detailed review :D
AND on November 10th, my year was effing complete! I saw Adam Lambert live! It happened in Vega in Copenhagen. We had waited outside for hours in the cold, and boy was it worth the wait! He is STUNNING! I adore him like you wouldn’t believe and I only tonight realised I haven’t posted a blog about it ö *feels like a bad fan*
Maybe that will be the new year’s resolution :P
TO END OFF a somewhat eventful year, I went to celebrate the last days of the year with Jeanette <3 We had a nice quiet entering of the new year and I have to admit I was really happy to let 2010 go. It’s been both amazing and horribly bad, but all in all, I’ll remember 2010 for the divorce and the concerts above all ^.^
So baibai 2010! *waves*
Nice knowing you!
Thank you to every single person who spent time with me this year and everyone who took the time to try and make me smile :D Lush you all from the bottom of my tiny heart <33
Cupcakes :D

Doing hair and playing Trivial. :D
My father youngest sister and I were the only guests but actually that was really nice. We had a lot of great food and afterwards we played my Trivial Persuit the Disney version. Mille won, but I did okay :D
It was really nice, I love spending that kind of quality time with friends and family, the longer that kind of game is the better ^.^

For once we actually all had a great time with no drama and just spent time together. The kids had fun, we all did. I can't remember when I last had so much fun with my family for en entire night ö
After Kath and daddy went home Mille and I went to visit our friend, Janni. Mille had to dye her hair and I just kind of went along xD We had a really nice time, did the hair and had some Christmas candy and cookies :D
I had a really nice time last night, I'm so happy I went even though it meant I didn't get any sleep ö

Presents - Round 3
Vagabond Boots from Mum

Presents - Round 2
Purple Pants from Daddy
Scull Necklace and knee high socks from Karin
Presents, as promised - Round 1
Georg Jensen Christmas Ornament from Grandma
A porcelain Cupcake and guide to the Da Vinci Code from Mikkel
Christmas 2010 :D

Finally the 24th came and this year my dad, sister Kathleen and I celebrated it with my aunt, uncle and 2 cousins in their summer house a few km from where we live :D
The people who follow my twitter will perhaps know that I’ve been in a somewhat amputated Christmas mood this year; mainly because my parents split up and their divorce came through yesterday. And I was really worried about how dad would take it and if he would break down.
On top of that my sister Kathleen left her fiancée this month. Her and her daughter, Alberte are now living with daddy. Alberte was to spend Christmas with her father and his family so Kath was under the impression that Christmas was just something that we needed to get over with.
AND to top it all off, my oldest sister Camilla was not supposed to spend Christmas with us. For the first time ever I wasn’t going to spend Christmas Eve with her and the kids.
But it was actually a really nice night. I was very pleasantly surprised, when we got there and the tree was standing there in the middle of the room, so beautiful and I saw all the presents already under it. :D
We sat down and had some soda and candy while waiting for auntie to finish dinner.
Daddy was so sweet he kept asking if there wasn’t anything he could do to help out. I think he was confused with what to do with himself, because normally he’s the one cooking the dinner :p
Dinner got ready and it tasted delicious! It was so good, but I couldn’t eat much unfortunately. We laughed a lot and joked around while I waited for the others to finish up.
After clearing up the table, we sang some Christmas songs and laughed our way through half, because we didn’t remember the lyrics xD
Then it was present time. There were huge presents, small present and presents with no forms. It was insane, but I loved that there were so many different sizes. I even got 4 more than I expected to get!
Everyone seemed to have a great night and even though I felt like we were done early, I had a wonderful time :D Daddy had a great time, I didn’t get in to a fight with sis and we all genuinely had a blast, really I couldn’t have asked for much more. ^.^
We drove home at about 11.30am and when I got home, I was so beat. But I think that was because I had psyched myself out so bad.
All in all an amazing night, one I’ll remember and I’m really happy we went to celebrate it with them :D
Ps: I’ll post pictures of my presents in a little while :D
The Belated Birthday Present from Kath
I just wanted to say that I got told what I'm getting from my sister as my birthday present. She failed to give me something for my actual birthday a week ago and yesterday she remembered and told me what she intend to get for me.
But I'm not complaining :D

Jo Rowling in Denmark!
I'm just going to post it like I wrote it because I'm too lazy to change it xD
Here goes:

Hello everyone! I am back from a lot of weeks of silence! Honestly I don’t have anything clever to say to excuse it, so I am not going to dwell more on that. There are more important things to talk about :D
First of all, I need to talk about how I got there. It was in Odense, which means I had to take the train at 5 am >.< Which of course resulted in me not sleeping at all.
The whole thing started to get me nervous because I needed to get money and no banks opened before 5 am. So I needed to hurry like hell to make it to the train leaving Aalborg at 5.17. So I did, and found out my pack of fags were gone -.-
After suffering through 3 hours in a train with no air or fags I finally stepped off in Odense. It’s been about 2 years since I was in Odense last time. Back when I was just dumped by the person I thought was the love of my life.
Anyway, to begin with both Mia Malene and I were totally paranoid expecting our exes to show up at any minute. But of course neither did.
We found the building where Jo was supposed to receive the H.C Andersen literature award and got in line. Not very long after that, the doors opened and we quickly found our seats in the concert-room where we waited for the program to start.
The Odense Symphony Orchestra played two pieces, one of them being the most famous piece from the Harry Potter movies, Hedwig’s Theme ^^ It was beautiful, I get goosebumbs just thinking about it!
After two speeches, the new Princess of Denmark, Princess Marie, presented the award to Jo. It was such a surreal moment to hear everyone in the room yell and give her a standing ovation just for entering the room! When she was there, I couldn’t take my eyes off her, I couldn’t believe she was right down there!
During her acceptance speech, my camera died because I forgot to charge the batteries -.- Luckily MM had hers with her too and she snapped a lot of great photos :D
When she was done with her speech we all gave her a standing ovation again and I could tell she was touched. I don’t think she expected a reaction like that at all!
After the ‘show’ we waited outside for her to come out and when she did, a few lucky people got their books signed before she got into a car and left for the city hall. She must have made another stop between those two, because we ran all the way up there and we still had to wait for a long time before she showed up.
By then I had secured myself a great spot and even though I wasn’t in the front row, I still managed to snatch an autograph!
That just saved my day :D I still can’t believe it.
After the whole shebang, we were both completely beat. We went to McDonald’s and MM took a train home after that. I however had to walk all the way back to the city hall almost to be able to find a machine that would allow me to get money for my ticket. x_x
Then I bought my tickets and went to the platform. I am in the train still, waiting to get an internet connection again.
That’s all for now.
Ps: When I get home, I’m going straight to bed!
More pics :D

Two days ago, I turned 23. It’s insane and I’m so old -.-
The day started out with me getting a few wishes from people on twitter. Then I got a text from Nettøh saying congrats and telling me to get on her stickam. There she sang Happy Birthday for me and I felt good ^.^ Made me feel special!
I woke up in the morning for the first time alone on my birthday which was weird. No one sang for me when I woke up and no one wished me happy birthday in person. Now I sound all emo o.o
When I stepped outside, was so surprised to see all the snow that came down during the night. It was awesome! The only thing not awesome was the cold. It was snowing like mad and it was so windy. But my birthday was white and that was all I wanted :D
I went to my sister and my niece and nephew were all smiles. I got to unwrap two presents there:
Then we drove in to town and met with mum and her boyfriend. We went and got something to eat and then my mum suddenly pulled out three presents. I didn’t expect that, only one present! But three ö
Here’s what I got:
Then we got home and I stayed with them to watch the semis of the handball. Denmark lost big time, but it was to a better team I guess.
After the matches, I went to see daddy and my youngest sister. She was going out like my other sister so I didn’t get a present from her. But daddy gave me some money as a present and then drove me downtown for me to grocery shop for the money.
He drove me home to spend the rest of the night alone: So great, both sisters going out, daddy in a horrible mood and me alone watching TV on my birthday. But it was alright, I wasn’t at all in the mood for partying anyway.
Not to be all emo and negative, so I’m going to stop ranting and say that I’m really happy about the presents I got, most especially The Vampire Diaries Season 1! I’m so in love with it, I was so happy when I unwrapped it. I just hugged my mother and thanked her a million times! :D
Over and out
Hi everyone.
I have to write this post, because I need so badly to get my frustrations out. As you might have guessed (and know if you follow me on twitter) today has been crap; complete and utter crap.
First of all, I had to go to town today. I needed to look after the shop for mum while she went to the dentist. My oldest sister Camilla decided to come along and we were going to go window shopping after mum got back. That is, until my annoying bitch of a sister showed up and kidnapped Camilla.
Before Kathleen showed up, my sister and I talked about how I’m feeling and she was like “I can really tell you’re not feeling all good”, which already made me negative. I started thinking about stuff. If I’m not spending too much energy trying to make people believe I’m good, when really I’m not and stuff like that.
Kathleen went along with us then.
So I just kind of walked around alone feeling so great because they only spoke to each other and Kathleen pulled me along into shops that wouldn’t fit me anyway. And I think she knew that I would fall for so much clothes. -.-
They went to eat and I had no money so I went walking on my own for a while.
When I returned to the shop mum started on her speech “You need to control your money spending” and basically told me “I love you, but you really need to lose weight” *sigh*
And my sisters returned half an hour later. When I was alone with Kathleen she was like “You know you got made fun of last Saturday? And people don’t want to party with you” and all that crap.
I don’t really understand how telling me I got made fun of is making things better Oo Honestly I was really drunk and I didn’t care at that point.
I only wanted to have fun (which I did) and the guys had fun, so what’s the harm? O_o
I get that she told me I kind of stole other people’s drinks, but Camilla already told me that and I said that of course I didn’t mean to do that and that I really tried to be careful with how I acted that night. There was no reason for Kathleen to tell me again.
Besides she’s just a huge cow, that I have no respect for, no matter what there’s always something she wants me to change >.< Like I said; Annoying bitch -.-
And she got offended because I told her to stop worrying about it and that I knew already. I was so pissed!
Seriously, I want to move! Now!
PS: Now she's like "Oh I don't want to drive into town to see HP7 in the middle of the night" - Gee, thanks :) Does it look like I care about what you're fucking comfortable with?!?! Now she managed to ruin the ONE single thing that made the day good x_x
Haircut, tattoo and piercing :D
Hi guys :D
It’s been ages since I posted anything, so I thought I wanted to give you an update.
Since the last time I posted, I’ve had my hair bleached, cut and dyed dark again. It’s now dark and pretty again after having it cut short.
I like it short, it looks cute on me, but anyway I can’t wait until it’s long again :P I’ll post a picture as soon as I have a good one on my camera.
Besides that, I have gotten a new tattoo on my ankle, a cupcake :D
It’s healing now, so it doesn’t itch as much as it did before D:
And I got a piercing as well, a medusa. It’s a tiny pearl in my upper lip, in the middle :P - It’s not healed completely yet, I haven’t had the stud shortened yet. I will in a few weeks :D
I’ve been to Copenhagen to find an apartment, but the thing is, I’ll need to have my health under control, so I got an appointment a few weeks ago. – Problem is the doctor doesn’t want to help me. She told me to lose some weight. Yes because that’s totally easy if you might have PCO. She’s a bitch.
So I’m basically on my own, until I have an apartment.
I’m trying all I can.
Anyway, I just made a profile on a dating site a few days ago. In that time, I’ve gotten countless messages from ‘big guys’ who want to fuck me and sperm all over me -.- Urgh! It makes me want to puke.
But I found a girl in there, I really like. Her name is Christine and she lives in Copenhagen as well. She’s so amazing, and she is like me in a lot of ways so we talk very well together :D
And besides that, she’s so beautiful. It reminds me of a mermaid, to be honest. And I have to admit the more I talk to her, the more I realize how much I could actually fall for this girl.
But she’s not sure she’s into girls like I am. Well, it doesn’t stop me from talking to her all the time. The good thing is, she’s open to try and know me and see where it goes. AND she’s the one talking to me all the time so I don’t feel like I’m the one putting pressure on her.
This is just a really short update, I’ll return later with more posts :D
Over and out